Side Pole Hold (Invert Grip)

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The Side pole hold is a fundamental move and grip. Understanding and using this trick properly can help prevent injury and allow you move smoothly into inverts on both static and spinning pole. This trick is placed in the beginners section because it is a strength building move. If you’re finding this trick to be challenging or even frustrating, its ok and normal. Most people need to work up to any trick that requires you to hold your body weight.

Please don’t hesitate to use the beginner modified exercise options until strength is built as shown in this tutorial. Always train BOTH sides because once you’re ready to start working on Inverts, you never know which side will feel more comfortable.

If you have questions or would like to see all of the information for each related tutorial such as, descriptions other exercises, stretches and suggested sets and reps. These are provided within each individual tutorial. Here is a list of links to take you directly to each related tutorial listed here.

Up and neutral scapula

Forward and back scapula

Forearm extensions

Forearm flex

Hand strength exercises

High biceps curls

Lateral pull downs

Ab switch

