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  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    September 28, 2014 at 12:40 pm in reply to: October Challenge?

    Halloween challenge please! 😁

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    September 28, 2014 at 12:37 pm in reply to: CHRISTMAS TREE SPLITS CHALLENGE AGAIN? I am in!

    I’m in! 😁

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    November 8, 2013 at 2:13 pm in reply to: Fit for pole: without pole

    Thank you Runemist34!:)

    Yeah, I hope that I wont loose my strength, even though I do train a lot of other stuff, it kinda isn’t the same as pole, and the “pole muscles” is really what helps me keep fairly fit, at least I believe so. But once a week is maby enough 😀

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    November 8, 2013 at 1:14 am in reply to: Pole goals

    middle split
    increased strength

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    August 22, 2013 at 4:24 pm in reply to: 2013 XMAS TREE SPLITS!!

    I'm in! This will give me the chance to work on my middle split! Woop!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    April 1, 2013 at 9:52 am in reply to: Coaching Plus Size Athletes

    Awsome post! 🙂 thank you for bringing it up! I was wondering if i might copy it for my swedish blog? I thought that it was so beatifully written and covered so many important things that many people would benefit from reading it 🙂

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    March 20, 2013 at 10:20 am in reply to: 30 Day Take Off!!

    I'm in! 😀

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    March 20, 2013 at 9:46 am in reply to: 30 Day Take Off!!

    Thank you! 🙂

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    March 20, 2013 at 7:34 am in reply to: 30 Day Take Off!!

    Hello all of you! I'm thinking about starting this program since I think I need something to structure my workouts, but then again I have lots of other exercises in my life as well… And well, a life. So I was wondering if this would be something for me? And how much time does it take per day approx? Want to know so that I could plan this into my schedual 😉 or if I should just wait until I got more time, but then it's a riskt that taht wont happen in a while… :/ Thank you  for your answer!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    March 12, 2013 at 2:35 pm in reply to: Night sweats during menstruation

    @shimamd: thanx for ur story! Now I kind of understand things better! But thats a strange thing though, means my ideal fat percentage would be pretty high but maby the horomones gets kind of messed up when you drop to much to fast. Hope for the best for your toe!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    March 12, 2013 at 4:52 am in reply to: Night sweats during menstruation

    I've had this problem to, in two periods at least what I can think about. The first period was in my teens, and I think it was due to hormonal changes. I trained a lot and ate poorly and droped approx 22 pounds in 2 months so my menstrual cycle completely collapsed. I think maby that I lost to much for such a short period of time that the toxins stored in the fat cells became to much for the body to handle, and it tried to get rid of it through sweating during the night, but that's just one of my theories My second "sweating period" was during a time of intense stress in my life, and I had all of these nightmares and woke up in the middle of the night feeling as if someone had poured a bucket of water on me


    Hope maby that helps in some way and that you get your problems solved!

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    February 21, 2013 at 8:15 am in reply to: pole photo sessions



    I've only shoot some pics for fun with friends, and what I found out is that spins are hard to get right, try sticking to static moves. When looking for pole pics as well they al tend to be of static moves.


    I myself have a really nice pic of a (floor) cupid (profile pic, as you can see 🙂 and a pic of cross-ankle release. Cross-ankle release really makes my bod look fabolous, while cross-knee release only made my legs and belly look huge :/ so try a few poses and find what works for you.


    Good luck and have fun! 🙂



  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    January 21, 2013 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Yoga anyone?

    Hello girls! I've been taking poweryoga classes for about two years, and actually educated myself for instructing classes, but havn't completed it yet. Anyway, since I have had a shortage of time and wanted to add in some yoga and maby try some other styles, especially ashtanga, since poweryoga is derived from it and hatha yoga. But taking more classes on top of what I already do is a no no at the time, economically and timely. So I searched youtube, and found lots and lots of awsome videos 🙂 there are yoga videos for anything from better sleep to help during your cycle, and I just love all those hippieish, all natural approach to solving things 🙂


    This video and routine I tried this morning, and it definitely made my morning 🙂 it's for waking up and feeling more flexible when you get up, andd is a great, healthy start of the day 🙂



    But then again, I have been introduced to yoga already, and know how to breathe and make the asanas, so maby it's a good idea to take some classes first an then make up your own schedual.


    I've also tried bikramyoga and totally loved it at first, but then I found out that every class has the same structure, and that would get me bored after a while. That's what I like about poweryoga, you kind of take what you like and what fits for you 🙂


    An other yoga form that I think is awsome, een so to greater lenght than poweryoga for polers, is yin yoga. Yin yoga focuses more on stretching the muscles, and is more of a stretch. It is awsome to do a yin yoga class if your too tired and have too much tension to take another class. I also found yin yoga classes at youtube 🙂

  • Camilla Leilasdotter

    January 8, 2013 at 10:21 am in reply to: How to get great…….?

    Ok, since I've been studying some psychology, and even some sports and exercise psychology, and like to read about these kind of things, I will summarize some general tips for getting great, but at any sport.


    1. In practicing for getting better, you need to practice with awareness. That mean that you alter your training sessions, an try new things. You need to get a challenge sometimes, in order to progress.


    2. Repeat, repeat, repeat. The ones that are great, are not great for nothing. They spend loads of time practicing.


    3. Get feed-back from someone, if you are not sure of how you are doing you are not able to improve the things that are not working.


    4. Focus on what you need help with. Most of us focuses on the things we are alredy good at, when we could get super by imrpving the stuff that aren't really working for us.


    5. Beprepared to work really hard, mentally and physically. There is a reson for the limite amount of people excelling, and that is that it takes time.


    Hope that helped you somewhat, even though it is general advice. Then as the previous girls pointed out, I don't know if your goal is to get excellent just for the sake of it, or if you want to win the world cup 🙂 Since pole is more of an artform than sports for me, 'i think that maby one could focus on finding your own niche. Pole is relatively new, so I think that there is loads of room for finding new ways to express yourself 🙂 Good luck!

  • Hello again! Well, Tallicachild, I don't eat meat but fish since I like fish but not meat. And as it seams, it helps me eat better. Now I'm eating more vegetables than I was when eating meat, and it cuts out all the "bad" meat that I used to eat. I guess that it depends on why you are a vegetarian, everyone has their own reasons 🙂


    @megan12: yep, do know. It gets to me, cause I am the least lazy person I know when it comes to training, but then again I am not the smallest  :/ so I try, and struggle to get enough protein since it works better for me, but I don't really want to eat red meat. And I don't eat chicken and fish that much either, and I get tired of eggs sometimes… Maby should try more nuts? Cause I know that I tend to fill up on carbs instead :/ and even though fruit is good for you, maby not the amount  that I do eat somedays 😛


    @Aerialgypsy: thanx! Trying to avoid soy! Am really happy that (after a really long time….) almond milk is available in grocery stores! 🙂


    Thank you for all tips! 🙂 find it intresting that everyone has thier own way of seing something as basic as eating 🙂 will check out the "Fat Head" ocumentary as well! 🙂


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