Forums Discussions Let’s talk about Shoulder health

  • Let’s talk about Shoulder health

    Posted by Veena on February 23, 2024 at 3:44 pm

    Today I wanna talk about shoulder health and offer some easy solutions for maintain happy shoulders.

    It’s common for someone who is new to pole dance to come to the conclusion through googling and watching social media posts, that strengthening your core is the magic key to unlocking every trick. Sure working on having a powerful core is helpful and a good idea, but the most common injuries and often the weakest area for females is our shoulders.

    Almost everything done on the pole and off the pole when doing floor work involves shoulders! So you can see why ignoring your shoulder health will slow your pole progress and places you at greater risk of injury.

    For pole dance many tricks and spins require above average mobility from the shoulder. This means we not only need strong shoulders but enough flexibility to allow us to safely do tricks that require higher than average mobility.

    With all that said, are you ready to take control of your shoulder health? I’ve provided some great options below.

    If you’re a total beginner or have taken significant time away from pole dance my 30 day take off program is the best place to start.

    If you don’t have a pole at home but you’d like to start learning more about your shoulders, try these three shoulder drills:

    SOS – Up and neutral scapula – Scapula drills – Click here to watch all three

    If you’re more experienced and have been struggling or if you have very weak or troublesome shoulders, my VIP plan for shoulders it’s a wonderful week long training plan for all levels.

    Veena replied 11 months, 2 weeks ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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