Forums Discussions Does anyone have tips for me on where to start?

  • Does anyone have tips for me on where to start?

    Posted by SkyKitty on February 5, 2024 at 8:30 pm

    I have my climbs, basic spins, my invert (butterfly, leg hang, ect) never done spin and just started inverts a few weeks ago

    Any help on which tutorials to start with/my level would be greatly appreciated, thank you 🙂

    Veena replied 8 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Veena

    February 5, 2024 at 9:20 pm

    Hi there! If you haven’t started from the beginning with me I always suggest starting by familiarizing yourself with my beginner level tricks, you don’t have to go through a beginner 30 day program. Instead I suggest sitting down and watching some of the beginner videos so you understand how I teach as it might different than most teachers. This should only take a few hours or day or two to familiarize yourself, then you’ll have a better understanding of how tricks build on each other. You might even discover which areas you’ll want to focus on.

    If you’ve already done some snooping on beginner tutorials here are some other places you might want to start given your current skills.

    – The spinning pole program is for all levels if you you’re wanting to learn that would be a good fit.

    – If you just started working on inverts, the invert program is also a great way to enhance your current training or provide you with a solid workout plan that will improve your inverts. This is also a good program if you’re inverts are skill hit or miss or if you have reoccurring pain.

    – If you’re looking for a guided program, watching the first video of any program will provide you with information on what you’ll be work on, or what you should know before starting a program. You can always start a program and switch to a more challenging or less difficult. Here’s an example of the Advanced level 1 program intro Remember to read the descriptions too!

    If you don’t want to follow a program, then I suggest working through the intermediate tutorials, (even though you can do some of the tricks) if all of those are too easy, then head over to the advanced.

    What are you current goals? If you know, I can help you narrow things down even more.

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