FREE The Prance Tutorial

I’ll be teaching you 2 grips and we’ll take a look at the spinning pole variation as well. This is a great move to help you work up towards single arm grips and holds. Holding longer and with a bigger hop will increase the level of difficulty. Try keeping your hops small until you become stronger.
Have another look at the SOS save our shoulders tutorial if you have any questions about shoulder engagement.
Im in love with the prance but I’m struggling to refine it, I think I lack the strength to make it look effortless. I always feel like my straight leg either snags on the ground or bends.
It you’d like help troubleshooting the Prance feel free to share a video link with me.
Ohmygoodnessss I gave it another go and I realised I wasn’t re-gripping as well as taking too big a steps! It looks better now, Thank you for your reply 🙂