Grip Control Routine STATIC pole

ROUTINE length 2:00
This is an easy routine to help you develop hand strength and grip control.
What is grip control? It’s developing the technique and strength to squeeze just enough to control a slide or spin without falling like a rock or sticking like glue.
Run through this 2-10 times 2-3 days a week and see your grip control improve and remember to do both sides! Listed below are direct links to all of the related videos used.
You are absolutely lovely to watch!!!
Awe, thank you ewebet!
Love this break down!! I will definitely have practice those spins regularly to get them down. Does the dizziness subside over time? I can only practice them a couple times each side before I feel pretty sick lol.
Dizziness does get better. However, if you’re using static pole, make sure to do both sides and switching from One Direction to the other right away will help prevent dizziness. If you’re on a spinning pole, here is a link to help with dizziness.