Combo Jack Knife Invert

POLE – ADVANCED / INTERMEDIATE – COBMO: I came up with this variation while playing with the Invert. A very strong basic invert is needed be for working on this combo, also using a smaller diameter pole will help with hand grip.
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Have tried this invert several times, unsuccessful. When I try to lean towards one side I lose the height. I have no problems with either basic or straddle inverts but this one feels much more difficult. I really want to be able to do it, Veena – do you have any further tips?
This one is totally not as easy as just invert and move the legs. You need to be able to lift the hips high above to balance. It’s similar to a meat hook. You could even try it from the split invert (the move I transition to from the JK invert. You can use the hooked leg to give you a bit of power to get the hips up as you swing the extended leg over. Also I find with this the smaller the diameter of pole the better! Does that help at all?
Yes,I see that it’s all about finding the balance. I will try it from the split and see what happens. Thank you! 🙂