Forums Discussions cellulite

  • Colleen Larson

    September 4, 2016 at 12:01 pm

    I see that this is a very old thread. However, for me, drinking lots of water, running and eating right reduces my cellulite almost 100 percent.

  • Claire Moon

    September 8, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    Alright peeps, it’s Science Time! Cellulite is not a certain special type of fat, it’s not hormonal, and though genetics play a role in all phenotype so, it’s not genetic in a black and white sense. it’s not bc you did something wrong, Cellulite is fat. The reason we see it more in women than man is simply how we are constructed. There are adhesion points that contribute to the structure of your three layers of skin as well as the fat and muscle underneath. One could almost consider it fascia. Women have fewer adhesion points between the skin and what is below, versus men. This gives men’s skin a smoother appearance and women less so when that skin is placed over fat. Also, women carry fat around the hips and thighs more than men, giving men yet another leg up.

    It is impossible to get rid of cellulite without removing fat. The best way to do that is eating well and excersizing. And like veena said, most real women have it. Women who don’t are photoshopped, have very low % body fat, or are #blessed.

    Check out the pic below. I would change the titling of healthy versus unhealthy bc perfectly healthy women have cellulite. As you can see, it’s the infrequent placement of dermal connective tissue that causes the issue and we can’t change the frequent of that connective tissue.

  • 33barbwire

    September 18, 2016 at 4:45 pm


    I was gonna say something similar, and you have a nice diagram that goes with it. I’ll add that the same connective tissue structure in men is criss-crossed, rather than just vertical like women’s are. This further reinforces their skin structure, making the chances of appearance of cellulite really slim (ha, pun).

    What’s sad and frustrating for me is this most of this thread is predicated on the idea that cellulite is a bad thing that we’re supposed to be ashamed of, and try to hide it or eradicate it.


    ^^ THIS ARTICLE is the best thing I ever found about cellulite and after thinking about it for a while, I don’t really worry about mine anymore (and damn do I have a lot). If you’re strapped for time, here are the main takeaways (I’m simplifying, so read the whole article):

    1. There are oil paintings that are hundreds of years old of naked women who have cellulite. Cellulite is not some new thing that we have because of not “eating clean.”

    2. It’s a secondary sex characteristic, like boobs. Just like most women grow boobs of whatever size, most show some cellulite to whatever degree.

    3. The concern and shame and wish to eradicate cellulite is manufactured by the beauty industry, and this manufactured fear started after 1900.

    Manufactured. By the beauty industry. Recently. Led by the same man who founded L’Oreal ($$$$$). I assure you I’m not wearing a tinfoil hat. If you truly hate your cellulite, think about why you actually feel that way – is it because of ads you’re used to seeing? Did a medical professional tell you to worry about it? Did someone close to you say something shitty?

    I am all onboard with a campaign to normalize cellulite. If the Kardashians can make “thigh brow” a thing, we’ve got this in the bag. If anyone else wants to seriously talk about some kind of #cellulite thing, hit me up!

  • Claire Moon

    September 18, 2016 at 5:52 pm

    33barbwire YES to all of that

  • Elizabeth Shumaker

    September 25, 2016 at 3:16 am

    Cellulite is actually a fascia issue. I’ve had it my whole adult life and I’ve hated it and tried so many things, read so many things and spend a lot of $$. I thought it was a “fat issue” but it actually is the connective tissue that has become unhealthy for whatever reason. The ONLY thing that worked so far is this thing called the FasciaBlaster and I swear it has changed my body. Ashley is a smart lady. She developed this simple self-treatment tool called the fascia blaster that basically breaks down the inconsistencies in the fascia causing the look of cellulite. It is fascinating. I have done it for 4 months and I dropped 2 pant size and cellulite is going away….it also feels great. Hope that helps you!

  • Bellini

    September 30, 2016 at 3:45 pm

    Its fat and therefore it can be burned away. But the problem is that you cant burn away all the fat in your body. I have had it even as low body fat persentage as 13.. Which is impossible to maintain, at least for me. I have tried everything years ago and have given up totally. Cellulite will go when im dead and decomposing, so its not forever.

    I think it has something to do with the skin types, someone has thicker=smoother? skin and someone else has thin skin. I’m fair and transparent beauty so the veins and cellubumbs are happily mixing together on my legs. I simply ignore it and focus on my skills and enjoying what I do.

  • LatinPoler

    September 30, 2016 at 7:21 pm

    This is my personal experience: I am Latina, pear shaped and I have always had cellulite. Not much, but you can tell. I have always eaten the Mediterranean way (not diet!), I was born is Spain and I keep eating Mediterranean even now that I live in the USA. We don’t have the concept of “clean” or “detox” diet in Spain, maybe because all food is less processed in Europe, so “clean” is kind of the default. Of course we have burgers, frozen meals, etc. but this is not what most people eat every day. I do drink wine every evening at dinner and eat dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher), those are my worst eating habits… Not many sugary meals besides the chocolate, I think sugar is real evil, along with bad fat. Good fat (olive oil, avocado, fish oils, nuts, etc.) is good and necessary. Among other benefits, it will keep you full longer and will make the meals taste better and be more satisfying.

    I have always been very active, with low body fat %, about 19% now I think.

    Since I am bottom heavy and my legs/but are muscular by nature, I had always avoided intense lower body workouts. I didn’t want to gain any additional muscle or volume. I did focus on upper body workouts, with the hope of balancing my lower half. A few years ago, I got hooked on running. Obviously, my legs were getting more exercise and they became leaner without doing anything specific. My cellulite diminished (not disappeared). So my point is that yes, there is a link between fat, muscle and cellulite. At least based on my experience.

    I’m running less lately because now I’m hooked on pole, of course :-). This is good, because all those pull-ups, shoulder mounts, etc. are finally balancing my lower body. But my legs are returning to their original shape, cellulite included. I regained some weight and everything seems to go to my legs.

    A cream that I am using now that I think it works is Uptown Hot Cream. I think is soothes the appearance. It is supposed to relax the muscles too. Just in case you want to try, I get mine in Amazon.

    7 inches heels are also a quick fix that will give you supermodel legs 🙂

  • Suzanna

    September 30, 2016 at 11:24 pm

    My opinion and experience, from a bodybuilder background. Also, I see all the IFBB Pro Fitness and Figure and Bikini competitors daily in my gym (the famous Gold’s gym in Venice)… cellulites are fat. Fat can be burnt away. Thus we can get rid of cellulites. As many of us have noticed, for some ladies it is easier, for some harder, just because where we carry more body fat genetically. But whoever we are genetically, we all can get rid of it, if we really want. (That’s another question, but I just suppose that we want). The body parts where it is less blood supply carry more body fat, such as below your booty, upper outside thigh, lower stomach etc. The goal is to increase muscle mass under the fat, because when you move, the blood will flow to the muscles and thus surrounding layers or fat will have the opportunity to “be burnt off”. I am describing this very simplistically… (Here is a more “scientific” article if you want:

    Because I generally don’t believe everything I read, but I am fairly open minded if it makes sense, many many years ago, I have decided to do an experiment. (I do experiments with everything in my life 🙂 ). I used to be very bottom heavy, carrying a lot of fat on my thighs and the booty. I did the experiment to do tons and tons (thousands and thousands) of reps of different targeted exercises. It took long time. Result? The fat went away… and the cellulite with it, of course. It was not a miracle, it was a hard work. Not everybody is willing to do this hard work, but if it is worth it for you, go for it. Because you WILL get results…

    Those amazing fitness/figure competitor ladies work unreal hard, they spend 1.5-2 hours, 4–5 days a week on working their glutes/hamstrings, just to make that area tight. They all have nice lean thighs, and booties, I can witness it. For them it really matters, because they compete and are judged visually. For us pole girls (I used to be one of the fitness/bodybuilder ones15 years ago), the visual does not matter as much, but maybe for some of us (or many of us) it does, just personally.

    So if it does for you, go for it, you can get rid of the cellulites. Also, that’s why some of the massage things and creams give some results, because they increase the blood circulation… ultimately, you want muscles, because they will work for you always—make you strong, shapely, lean, healthy, pole-fit, confident, and much more 🙂

  • Bellini

    October 1, 2016 at 11:48 am

    In perfect life you can burn the fat away. I agree, muscles are good and make you more strong and burn more energy. looking more fit. Some women can do it but not everyone can have as low body fat as body/bikini competitors. There are woman who don’t menstruate anymore in low fat% or are not able to exercise the amount needed for lean legs without getting physically and/or mentally sick in order to achieve their vision perfection.
    The muscles can be big ad strong, and the layer of cellulite/fat is still on them. Blood circulation and lympha and autonomic neural system and the amount of stress also affect the way the body is functioning. Some ppl are fast runners, some others can run slow but long time, some sweat easier and some are always freezing. We are so different. Some men have it, some babies have it, even some bikini fittness girls still have it and it isn’t a question of willpower.

  • Runemist34

    October 1, 2016 at 6:45 pm

    In a perfect world, ladies, we wouldn’t care about cellulite, because it is simply a fact of our bodies. In a perfect life we wouldn’t care about what the scale said, or about the tag on our clothes saying “Size S.” In a perfect time we would care more about what our bodies can do, about the joys that they are capable of and the feats of strength, stamina, or flexibility that we care capable of creating. In a perfect society we wouldn’t feel judged, by ourselves or by others, because we wouldn’t need to constantly feel like we are competing against each other for the affections of others, for the acceptance of others, or for the love that we can give ourselves.
    I have cellulite. A lot of it. All over my hips and thighs, my butt, and sometimes my arms. I have it all over the place. Because, that’s where most of my fat is, and scientifically, we know that this is how it works.
    However, I don’t want to get rid of it all. I also have fat on my belly, but I don’t believe the idea that it’s somehow “dangerous.”
    I do not work out to change the way I look, or to change who I am. I work out because I love myself, because I love to do it. I work out because it’s good for my health, not in a “gee I should lose all this fat” kind of way, but in a “Working out and pole dancing makes me feel amazing” kind of way.

    All of this discussion about who’s right as to why we have cellulite, and how to get rid of it, entirely defeats the idea that perhaps we shouldn’t care about it at all. Perhaps if some stupid hypothetical guy said “Ew, what’s that?” and pointed to our cellulite, we should be kicking him out of our bedroom so fast he wouldn’t have time to put his pants back on. And, we should be doing that to everyone else, too. Even our own judgmental minds.

    The pole dancing community here is body positive and accepting. We celebrate women who are larger, or skinnier, getting their POLE goals, their strength and flexibility and stamina goals. Their strength of mind goals. The pole community here, as far as I’ve seen, doesn’t exist simply so we can look hot.

    So maybe instead of encouraging the self-judgement and constant worry over what ways our body lays down fat, and how much of it we have, we should actually be reassuring each other that we are all beautiful, powerful, magical things that don’t have to fit in with the idiot society’s closed-minded idea of what beauty is. Maybe instead of implying that “if we want it hard enough” we could lose our body fat and no longer have cellulite, we could take the conversation more toward wanting to love ourselves enough that it no longer matters.

  • Suzanna

    October 1, 2016 at 7:48 pm

    What is interesting is that men generally don’t care at all about our cellulites, whether we have them or not. They don’t see them. They like their woman for who she is and don’t notices things that we, women, see as imperfections.

    It’s not about who is right or wrong with the cellulites and if it is pretty or not to have them. It’s about that we all have goals, physical, business, life, pole… the reason why we have those goals is very personal— we all have our own journeys. If we want to have or don’t want to have cellulites is personal too. I think it is good to know that it is possible to get rid of them, if somebody wants to have that goal. As a performance coach, I always love to see what is possible. Wether I choose to go for it or not, it is personal. If other people do it or don’t is not my business and I shall not judge. But if they ask for help, I will help. 🙂

  • 33barbwire

    October 1, 2016 at 8:48 pm

    Runemist yessssssss

  • Phoenix Hunter

    October 2, 2016 at 1:54 am

    I agree with suzanna that wanting to eliminate/ reduce cellulite is a very personal aesthetic choice. No there is nothing inherently wrong or unhealthy about cellulite but I don’t believe anyone should be frowned upon for not liking it on their body. I had cellulite and I greatly reduced it by eating healthier , losing fat and building more muscle. It doesn’t mean I didn’t like myself because of it. I Also have gray hair that I color. Nothing unhealthy about gray hair either. It really is an aesthetic that some people don’t prefer on their own body . I think it is also a false blanket statement to tell women they are stuck with it and are just shit out of luck so they should learn to love it. For many , you can reduce its appearance greatly. Was it my number one priority in life? No. I have also weighed 90 pounds more than I am now and didn’t like that either. I didn’t hate myself but I knew I was capable of being slimmer. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to improve your appearance as long as you go about it in a healthy way And you are not destroying your life over it.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    October 2, 2016 at 1:58 am

    60 pounds not 90, but that doesn’t really matter either.

  • Suzanna

    October 2, 2016 at 2:44 am

    Thanks Phoenix Hunter, you got my point. I wanted to show that it is possible for those/us who want to pursue this goal. And the ladies, who don’t want, they don’t need to worry… I too like to improve my appearance. I like where I am now, and what I have achieved, but like with all my other goals in life, I always strive for more. Better education, helping more people, growing my business.. goals… I like projects… I like to get stronger and get my shoulders bigger. I am working on it. Just like I used to work on reducing my fat tissue on booty and stomach. I want to see what is possible. I love to encourage others who choose to pursue their goals, because often the limited beliefs are the only obstacle we get stuck on.

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