Invert Class Day 5

Mantra: Worries and fears are just stories. Reality happens in the present moment
Tips: Knowing what you’re going to do with the legs and how you’ll exit, can help remove any fears “stories” that come up once your feet leave the floor. Because you have a plan and you’ll know that you’ve worked on this many times before there’s no need to go down the path of letting your mind tell you stories. Don’t think, just breath, feel and trust your body will remember what you’ve been working on.
Question: Can you see how understanding leg placement and having an exit plan can help reduce stress over doing a full invert? It’s ok if your answer is no, I’d still love the hear your thoughts.
Homework: Today in your journal you’ll revisit the exercise of writing down 1-5 things you’re most worried about, then write down 1-5 things you’re most excited about. If you’re not worried then skip it, there’s no need to go looking for trouble! Once you’ve finished look back at your Day 1 journal entry and see if anything has changed or if it’s still the same. One isn’t right or wrong, looking back is only to gain more insight not to judge yourself.
If you need to pause the video at anytime to practice more or have a look at a related tutorial to learn more tips for an exercise or trick go for it.
Here’s a list of direct links for some of the more challenging tricks, exercises and stretches used.
Pole climb using pole hold grip
Pole climb using push grip
Yes! I can for sure see how having an exit plan helps. Im still working out feeling secure in the legs from handstand, I just couldn’t get to a point where I felt secure enough to remove my hands from the ground. I couldn’t get comfy with it. But I was fine doing the invert laying on the ground and also from the table top/sidehold position. Is it normal to need to boost your outside leg up though to get it hooked on the pole? I know you’re not supposed to “jump” per se but I really needed to boost my leg to get it hooked. I definitely felt it in my hamstrings haha, they actually have to work quite hard.
A lot of people struggle with their Inverted Crucifix, if you’ve not seen it yet, here my Inverted Crucifix tutorial and along with it, you’ll see a Veena’s tips video link in the description that has all kinds of helpful tips to improve your Inverted Crucifix 🙂
Yes it’s normal to need more boost (and feel a hamstring stretch) when working on grounded inverts because you don’t have the smooth momentum of the step and sweep leg. When training from the ground the goal is upper body placement. Chest lifted, arms, shoulder and back working together and developing an understanding of where the legs go.
thank you for the link, i’ll look today. I had a couple days off but I’m back to complete day 6 😛
I started day 5 but couldn’t finish it bc I realized I was in way over my head. Took a few days break and decided to focus on improving my reveres elbow stand. I’ve been practicing for a few days a little bit at a time. I finally see an improvement. I’ve corrected what I was doing wrong. I practice on both sides. completely out of breath lol
Will start Day 5 again in a couple of days.
I’m glad I took a break to focus on improving my formation.
You absolutely did the right thing by understanding it was too much for now. Be very proud! Thank you for the update. Also remember the Invert class is just one options for learning your invert. There’s the 30 day Invert program and the great invert tutorial too.
Yay‼️ it paid off to take a break and practice formation of the reverse elbow stand. My elbows got tile burns from it. I’m getting better with my inverts the more I practice. I plan on doing the 30 day invert tutorial once I’m done with this one. 2 more days to go.
I’m proud of myself:
Well done!!!