Day 7

Stretch to maintain. Today you’ll focus on the upper body, both strengthening and stretching. For all strength moves perform 1 set of 8-12 reps.
Start with the Hard core warm up!
When you move on to the foam roller and stretching videos follow the tutorials in order. Do this 3 times if you have time, otherwise make sure you do everything at least once. Remember you can pause the video while you do your muscle release (foam rolling) work. If you have questions about how to roll or do any of the exercises click the links in pink.
the hard core warm up was great! there are no pole studios near me where i live now – they are all about an hour away – so these lessons are really giving me my life these days – thank you queen Veena !
I’m happy I can be here for ya!
The forearm flexor exercise is strength training, so should only be done for 1 set right?
Correct 😊