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what pole to buy
Posted by pole-twista on December 28, 2008 at 4:50 pmAm seriously thinking of buying another pole this weekend since free shipping (have 1 in attic that alaways stays up but celing is short so can’t climb … can’t really where heels ect) so was thinking of getting one for downstairs but really dont have the room to keep it up all the time
1) how easy is it really to set up pole (mine was done by friend) as will have to set up take down alot (this doesnt damage poel right?? )
2.) which pole to buy i have an xpole 50mm glod titanium i love it, but was wandering if should get 45mm as would be able to get better grip (esp for things like jewel/pencil mount from floor …on current pole tip of thumb and middle finger just barely touch.. am not sure how you know if your better off with smaller than standard size-50mm ) Boyfriend thinks should stick to standard size so will be able to do tricks on most poles.. just getting opinions also the finish i love silver but find that that the chrome seems to be alittle slipperier than gold which is a little grippier will be mainly using second pole for climbing and moves or combos can’t do on short pole maybe better stick with one not as slippery well just looking for ideas before hit "PAY NOW’ button alot!!!
landra replied 16 years, 1 month ago 10 Members · 24 Replies -
24 Replies
I think it’s easy to put up and take down…I had to take my X down a lot when we were selling our house. It’s meant to be moved frequently and the care instructions even say that you should take your X down once a week (most people don’t I know I sure don’t shhhh!) to clean and maintain.
As for the size I have both but not the titanium, The 45 is easier to grip with your hands but…more difficult or I should say painful, to do moves that require you to grip with your legs…the jade would be more painful…trust me I’ve tried. But I really do love my 45. My spins are wicked fast on the 45!
My opinion would be if you already have the 50mm get the 45 I really enjoy both of mine
honestly, it is r e a l l y easy. i have to put up my pole and take it down every single day, thanks to my small minded dad that will not approve. I find it extremely easy, and not too difficult to do it alone. first time my boyfriend helped me put it up. but i was able to take it down by myself. and now i put it up by myself too.
I ended up ordering the x-pole 50mm chrome I have gold right now chrome is better for spins as it is a little more slippery allowing you to glide around easily, but gold is better for climbing,inverted poses, ect I may put chrome upstairs where gold is now since have no height up there and would be better used for spins and move gold downstairs as have height, but no room to spin I bought secong one for purpouse of using for climbing exersise, inverted combos, climbing upside down, ect
Also just in case actually come across someone who might be willing to try this will have 1 can take down, and take with Can’t wait til it comes in The only time I get to use a tall pole is at friends, but she only goes on occasionally, where I am always up for dicussing/watching/doing pole stuff
I also ordered Leigh Anns Advanced dvd was going to order whole set but she never got back to me about the content on beg/int. will let you know what i think when i watch it hope everyone’s enjoying the weekend!!! -
i have the chrome-x-50mm and absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!!!! aside from brass its the best pole ive ever been on, cant say enough good about it!
great! thats what I oredered and should be here any day i love my gold but i find chrome so much better for smooth spins am moving gold downstairs for inverts/climbs ect can’t wait to have 1 of both thought about getting lil mynx or even 45mm X, as have heard good thing about it, but thought I better stick to what I know works can’t wait!!!
gal- i’ve never heard of that pole before- im a strong believer in that you get what you pay for- $99 seems too good to be true!!! i don’t think it said on there what kind of material the pole was made out of- that makes a big difference in grip- be it stainless steel or chrome or what have you. i’d do some research and ask around to see if anyone has tht specific pole. it’d be a shame if you bought it and it’s only good for dancing Around and not On you know?
Please don;t buy that pole!!! I have seen their video and it doesn’t look like a pole that will last very long. I know its tempting because its cheap but…I really wouldn’t buy that one.
Here are 3 poles I know others like and I would recommend. X-pole (of course) lil mynx or platinum stages. These are all professional quality poles.I’ll bet that the 99 dollar pole your looking at is made by the peek a boo company…if you’ll notice the font is the same…Hmmmmm.
yeah, i still don’t think you should buy that pole gal; i really dont. id buy from x-pole to be honest. i had a platinum stages pole and wasn’t able to do anything on it because the grip was so terrible- but with my chrome x i can do anything i can’t recommend that brand more- x pole x pole x pole!!! it’s more expensive but it’s so worth it in the long run. their customer service is exceptional as well.
Here’s the problem with the cheap pole like the electra pole and so on…Their not as safe! Even if it were more expensive it just doesn’t look like a good quality pole. If you want a pole for mostly exercise then you REALLY want a quality pole otherwise you could be injured. The others are mostly novelty. Peek a boo shows you all these fun move you can do on their "wonderful" pole BUT when you read the instructions it says you can’t put any weight on it. lol.You can’t even lean on it! I had a friend who bought one and we were so disappointed that we couldn’t actually use it.
exactly. just what veena said. the poles at stores like "Spencers" that sell for like $80, $100 bucks (including the carmen electra pole) are more for transition moves- like basically walking around. You can’t do anything on it. i believe that S-Factor is now selling platinum stages poles but i’d still go for an X-Pole since i had such a bad experience with a ps one. i don’t know much about lil’mynx poles to be honest- ive heard great reviews and then bad ones too. even if you’re just gonna dance around it and learn a few spins, get a safe pole and spend a little extra. id rather see you flush $100 down the toilet than buy a pole you can’t even use.
Personally, I’d avoid any pole which says it "slots together", I’ve heard tales of people who have had their skin pinched and scratched by these types of joins.
As for the Carmen Electra pole, I know a girl on another forum who got given one and it took her 10 minutes to break it. I know it’s really tempting to go for the cheap option, I was myself when I first started learning but now I’m really glad I waited and saved up for an X-pole. For one thing, I know it’s completely safe and I can trust it when upside down.
After all, I know you said you’re a beginner now, but soon you’ll be progressing and wanting to go onto more difficult spins and start working on inverts, and for that you’ll want a safer pole, like an X. So really it’s best to save up and go for quality rather than paying out for a cheap pole then having to buy another pole later. I can sympathise, especially as I’m a student currently (and was when I was having to save up to buy my X), it does seem like a big dent in the old bank account but it is 100% worth it.
Also X-poles really hold their value, so if for any reason in the future you didn’t want to pole anymore then you can sell it.
please take it from me i bought a peek-a-boo pole (before i ever heard of x-pole) and was reassured i could spin/invert on it i set it up so excited i could have burst i finally got the courage to go for a real spin and the whole pole came crashing down with me on it ouch! even if you just want to be able to do a backbend or just lean on it topose IT IS NOT SAFE those poles are prop poles which is why they are able to make/sell them for such a cheap price they should be illegal as they are VERY DANGEROUS ( what if i had tried to invert instead of spin??) and they misrepresent themselves the extra couple hundred you’ll spend on a qua;ity pole (x-pole being the only 1 i can 100% recommend) is sooooo much cheaper than the hospital bill you’ll be looking at if you injury yourself (and on a pole like that it’s just a matter of time)
i know it s expensive but you dont want to get in my situation where i spent 150$ on a peekaboo and than had to spend another $300+ on an x-pole i am actaully waiting for my second x–pole to come in (should be here 2day) i have had mine for just under a year and love it so much got another 1 (1 upstairs for spins as plenty of room but no celieng height and 2nd 1 downstairs with not enough room for most spins but great for climbing/ inverts) in some cases yuo get the cheap cersion and it works just as good but not with a pole if you buy cheap, your going to get cheaply made and dangerous please if you want a pole save your money til you can get an x or atleast a better qulaity 1 than that x is free shipping for rest of this month through this site only (saves you like 40$) you could also look into buying a used 1 cheaper they really do maintain there value as long as they are taken care of (very easy care, very eay to install/take down, totally stable.. my friends bf weighs over 200lbs and he inverts on it) better to be safe than sorry!!
The pole aerobics is made by the same company as the electra pole. Just look at the pics and videos side by side. Identical. All they did was market a really cheap party pole (peekaboo) a new, "sturdier" pole endorsed by the sexy Carmen Elctra (Electra Pole), and the down-to-buisness, strictly for fitness pole (Pole Aerobics).
All one company.
All cheap.
All crap. -
I’m sure you’re already persuaded about not buying a cheap pole, but here’s a video from youtube of someone who bought one of those poles that shows how useless they really are!
Hi, does anyone know if the pole by is sturdy enough for spins and inverts?
I know you probably already have had your question answered and bought a pole, but the poles that come apart (regardless of who they’re from) are not good for tricks and inverts because they can catch on your skin. And with the amount of bruises and stuff we already sustain from the pole, I don’t think we want to add ripped skin to the list!
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