Forums Discussions super newbie

  • super newbie

    Posted by JenLFG on July 22, 2009 at 2:12 pm

    i just got my pole yesterday & i can only do the fireman spin, lol! i sank almost $400 into a pole so my budget won’t allow for lessons right now (i got a 9 foot permanent spinner so i would already have an advanced pole since i plan to make this a new hobby/workout) i was watching the free videos on youtube from users at expert village to learn basic moves. my computer at home is about 5 years old & is not very quick with the videos so i have been using my iPhone to watch them on. does anyone know if the studio veena lessons are viewable from iPhones? i could afford those on the monthly rate for now. && also have any of y’all used the art of pole DVDs? that girl is crazy good too! would that be good for a beginner such as myself? i don’t want to do anything too crazy on my own, just some basic spins & no inverts at all for a long time! i have to build my upper body strength & i would like to have lessons (like in a class) for anything i could get really injured on. anyways, like i said i just need to figure out the basics & i am so excited & even though i only can do one little spin (sloppy at that) it is so so fun!!! i walked around the pole & did fireman spins (in both directions) for 2 hours last night, lol! tonight i am gonna try the back hook spin.. i think anyways! i can’t wait to learn & do more basic spins && maybe by this time next year i will be able to do some real trick, like inverts! lol! thanks for all the help & info ladies!!!!

    JenLFG replied 15 years, 6 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Castleoutsider

    July 22, 2009 at 2:56 pm

    welcome to your new obsession ^^!!

    Jamillas Art of Pole DVDs are wonderful really =) she teaches the moves not only step by step and hand placement (where at and either thumbs up or down) but also static and spin mode =) so far thats the only dvd set ive watched.

    i would love love love love to get the Be Spun videos =D those girls are sexy as hell RAWR!!

    um as for iphone.. i dunno i dont have an iphone.. i have a pc tho cuz im a gamer so =) *shrug*
    tho id assume watching vdos on an iphone u cant really see everyones hands very well when theyre trying to teach you.. so that maybe kinda bad O_o

    tho everyone here is really helpful so ^^

  • JenLFG

    July 22, 2009 at 4:29 pm

    thanks Castleoutsider! when i get the $ i’m gonna order the art of pole dvd set!

  • JenLFG

    July 22, 2009 at 11:27 pm

    OMG! day two, hour four & i sat on the pole it was sloppy & i slid after about 3 seconds but i did it 3 times & let my hands go. i know thats pretty basic but i’m really proud! i also made a (really embarrassing) video of myself playing around doing god knows what on spin mode. i have no idea what i was doing, its really sloppy & i’m singing & being silly oh & i say a few cuss words in there so i’m not sure if i’m allowed to post that on here… i don’t wanna get kicked off ’cause i need y’all for supportive reasons, lol! i’m gonna find out about posting it with my potty mouth & then hopefully i will be posting it

  • SissyBuns

    July 23, 2009 at 1:51 am

    I wanna see! I wanna see!

    I have an iphone too and use it a lot to watch pole vids during the day (because my job has banned youtube from it’s computers). I however, cant see veenas lessons on my phone or other videos posted on the site for that matter. I just get that blue lego box with a "?" mark on it where the video should be…

  • JenLFG

    July 23, 2009 at 2:22 pm

    i forgot to bring my camera to work with me so i can’t upload my embarrassing video today but i can say its really ugly y’all! lol! i watched it several times last night trying to compare the better moves to a pro so i can correct myself & try to make things look better next time. i have only tried to sit on the pole, the fireman spin & one other spin that i can’t remember the name of. i am really trying to get these down in both directions, toes pointed, body held out & all before i move on to anything else. & OMG! my upper arms are so so sore! i have a bruised knee & ankle (not sure how i managed that one) i have pole burn on my inner thighs, && my leg muscles are sore too i’m very happy about being sore since i wanted to pole for a workout! i usually workout on a elliptical trainer & a water rower 5 days a week, since i got my pole i haven’t done either one of those & i have only been (attempting) to use the pole. since i am super new & have no idea what i really should be doing i have been spending about 2 hours at a time on the pole, watching the video clips of my two moves that i am attempting & doing them over & over again until i feel like i have them down a little better than the day before. i am right handed & it really shows in my pole work! i don’t trust myself very much going the other direction, but i am making myself do both equally so that i don’t get used to just going in one direction. it gets on my nerves when i see others do that! also i have not worked on getting up off the floor at all! after i spin to the ground i get up like a jack~ass! lol! i really need to look at some clips of that sort of thing too!
    i have so much to say about poling & i’m not really sure where to post at so i keep posting everything here, since i started this thread i figured i would just keep adding to it.

  • Veena

    July 23, 2009 at 4:03 pm

    We have thought about making the lessons viewable on the iphone, it takes some work, but it can definitely be done. We just don’t know if its worth while right now. I see 2 of you might be interested but….is it something others would really love? Jamilla has the only dvd set I would recommend, if your looking to spend as little as possible just get her beginner dvd. Be careful and have fun. I would suggest reading through the forums if you don’t have a way of taking lessons. There is a really go one called..Am I ready for an inversion. under pole moves. I would check that one out for sure.

  • JenLFG

    July 23, 2009 at 5:11 pm

    lol! i know i’m not ready for inversions yet! lol! i didn’t climb the pole when i sat on it, i just did it at the level i could reach from standing flat footed <3 i figured it something i will need to be good at in the future so i should get used to the pain & adjust asap! when i get some $$ i wanna get the art of pole set &&&& take the lessons on here too! i should be getting a new computer soon… i hope anyway!

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