Forums Discussions boots for pole! help!

  • miss fern

    February 3, 2010 at 11:56 am

    All I know is DON’T BUY PVC or ‘patent leather’!

    It’s just a thin layer of PVC and it will rip and tear off. Mine did after only using them 5 times and I wasn’t even doing crazy stuff!

    Zips don’t get in the way though, they’re fairly discreet – all the ones I’ve ever worn had zips and it was never a problem.

  • VixBiatch

    February 3, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    I find my PVC boots ok except they do stick a bit too much so I have to be careful and make sure I can ‘release’ ok… Ummm, I have a SCAR from pole dancing in non-pole boots with a zip. It caused a friction burn and ate through a few layers of flesh…nevermind!

  • GatorGirl4Life

    February 3, 2010 at 1:45 pm

    A good way to make your boots not so grippy is to add a LITTLE bit of baby powder on them. It will coat the boot enough so that the grip won’t be as intense. Experiment with the powder a little before you go whole hog on the boots. Good luck.

  • amy

    February 3, 2010 at 1:51 pm

    i have the second pair and never wear them. they are actually very rigid material, and i can’t bend my ankles in them at all… tough to climb. made even tougher because the metal on the front just slides when i am trying to climb. i would recommend against them personally- i’ve never worn them because they are just too annoying when i try them on.

  • chemgoddess1

    February 3, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    I have 3 pairs of boots and love all 3, I think that is because I cannot find platforms that fit me properly. I am a 9.5 and have issues with being too big or too small.

    I have:
    https://www.studioveena.comhttp&#58:// which are lace with no zipper at all. Pain to get in and out of. I also tend to wind up with interesting bruises on my shins from the metal.

    https://www.studioveena.comhttp&#58://×135/710/504C53523138313338_0.jpg These are lace and zipper. Have the same issue with bruising. The tongues on these also like to move around quite a bit and there has been more than one occasion where I have caught the laces from one boot in the hooks from the other boot while in an inversion.

    The last pair I have are:
    https://www.studioveena.comhttp&#58:// I love love love these boots so much that I hate to wear them to pole. You can change the laces out to match your outfit plus they have a zipper up the back. The charm on the zipper pull was cheesy and broke the first time I put them on so I just removed them (the pull is still there). My only issue with these is that they are HOT to dance in. I could not even imagine thigh high boots!

    My white ones have been worn the most and have all sorts of battle scars to prove it. I have used white nail polish to cover up some of the scuffs and others come out with a little scrubbing.

  • Veena

    February 3, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    I love my PVC boots, they are the best if you want grip….all boots and heels will tend to get scuffed and beat up if your using them to pole. If you want boots just for looks, then try a soft leather, but just know that you will not get the same sticky, glue like grip from them, but they will work better than fake plastic like leather.

  • Felissita

    February 3, 2010 at 6:29 pm

    Thank you all so much! You really helped me in my choice!
    I bought this one:


  • polergirl

    February 3, 2010 at 7:20 pm

    I have 3 pairs of boots and love all 3, I think that is because I cannot find platforms that fit me properly. I am a 9.5 and have issues with being too big or too small.

    I have:

    The last pair I have are:
    https://www.studioveena.comhttp&#58:// I love love love these boots so much that I hate to wear them to pole. You can change the laces out to match your outfit plus they have a zipper up the back. The charm on the zipper pull was cheesy and broke the first time I put them on so I just removed them (the pull is still there). My only issue with these is that they are HOT to dance in. I could not even imagine thigh high boots!

    OH MY GOSH *where* did you get those freaking adorable boots??? WANT!!!!!!!!!!!

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