So I’m looking into buying a new pole of the xpole type, and while I want the xpert I’m not sure if it’s the right decision. Eventualy I do want a spinning pole but right now I can barely do things on a static so I don’t need it. but my main reasons for concidering the sport are it’s cheaper, not to say i want to go the cheap route but selling my current pole will cover almost the entire cost of a sport, and being unemployed for the next few months makes that a good looking option. I also have very little ceiling space in my room right now, I am looking into being alowed to use a different space for it but that might not happen so I want to plan for what I have now, and lastly I’m concerned about that foam cover i don’t know why that bugs me but it does,
but anyways I suppose I know what desision I need to make but I’m wondering mainly about that foam cover and if there are any other downsides to the sport that i haven’t thought of that might be deal breakers?
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