Forums Discussions What are Flamingos?

  • FreeTheSun

    August 8, 2009 at 1:13 pm

    I honestly don’t know but my guess would be something like a pole over. One leg down along the pole, one hooked on the pole and lean/bend forward or backward from there.
    Could be totatlly wrong but that’s my guess.

  • yogabeachbabe

    August 8, 2009 at 2:48 pm

    Yes, they are what FreeTheSun called "pole overs". I just learned it as flamingo:
    front flamingo: knee is hooked in front of the pole
    back flamingo: knee is hooked around back of the pole
    In the club world, when you bend over (any which way), it gives the audience a peek at your "bits and pieces".

  • effini

    August 9, 2009 at 10:30 pm

    I’ve been to 5 different studios and 3 have a move, each of them different, that they call a Flamingo. One is a spinning, under arm, turn (one knee bent, like a flamingo). Another was the previously mentioned pole over. The third was some kind of spin (which I can’t remember – meaning I probably couldn’t do it).

    I recommend writing to the person who posted to see which move she was describing.

  • yogabeachbabe

    August 10, 2009 at 12:01 am

    I’m sorry, I thought the confusion had been cleared up!
    The flamingo that I had been taught and currently teach, is what I’ve heard referred to as "pole overs". It’s a standing move, hooking the knee either in front of the pole or around from the back. You can arch or bend in any direction. I had a student perform that move because her hands were very, very wet and she couldn’t grip in any way. If I’m not describing it correctly, imagine first a knee hold, then imagine releasing the bottom leg straight down until the foot is in the floor. That would be a front flamingo (to me).

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