Forums Discussions Video Comment Etiquette

  • Video Comment Etiquette

    Posted by SissyBuns on October 9, 2009 at 12:34 pm

    I was wondering….I see a lot of people (me included) reply to the comments that people leave them on their videos but since the site doesn’t yet have the feature that lets us know that someone has replied to a comment we made (kind of like how facebook does) I was wondering if people actually go back and check the comment that they left on someone elses vid to see if there was a reply made?

    I want to reply to every comment on my vids but it seems pointless if the person I’m replying to is never going to see it LOL. I’m thinking about going to the page of people who comment and leaving a reply there…I want them to know that I appreciate anything they’ve said.

    What do you guys do?

    Trena replied 15 years, 4 months ago 10 Members · 11 Replies
  • 11 Replies
  • poledanceromance

    October 9, 2009 at 1:21 pm

    I’ve been wondering the same thing too! Reaallly wish there were a notify feature for that. I left a few reply comments as well, on blog entries mostly, before realizing they were never going to be seen I’ve been using the wall comments like you said, figuring that might have a better chance.

  • EVamp83

    October 9, 2009 at 1:28 pm

    I often do go back to vids and blogs I commented on. Especially when I know the person that posted replies to (almost) everyone’s comments. But that’s just me.
    Excellent question btw, I was wondering the same thing too. It would be really nice if we got notifications…

    Edit: I just thought of something else. I always wonder how quick people notice the new comments on their profile if they already have like a million comments. Since they’re shown in reverse order. (Or actually not reversed, if that makes more sense)

  • amcut

    October 9, 2009 at 3:41 pm

    ..Yeah. I have.. really no interest in reading what someone thought about what I said. I want the person to read the comment, but not feel like they should respond to make me feel noticed. That way everyone feels like a superstar who doesn’t have to respond to their little people. The comments are for the video,… unless you ask a question, then you can return back to have it answered.

    However, if SV gets to comment notification, I’ll definitely pursue comment-conversations to the best of my ability.

    …I thought this was going to be like, a .. different kind of etiquette post, though. Like, "Is it wrong to leave a comment that only contains only booty praise?" …’Cause no. It ain’t. If that’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

  • untamedshrew

    October 10, 2009 at 12:23 am

    LOL I don’t wanna be right neither! I don’t know why I bother leaviig comments, cause Amcut’s been here already and I have nuthin to add but "Me too!"

  • pole-twista

    October 10, 2009 at 1:51 am

    great q! i always reply to comments but dont expect the person togo back to see. i do it just in case they do though. sometimes i will ask a question and than forget about it so i never revist the comment part of videos. if there ever is A feature we get i will keep up w best as i can.

  • azriel

    October 10, 2009 at 2:24 am

    i too reply to the comments on most of my vids. i agree with amcut that we don’t leave comments to get replies or anything, and i see absolutely nothing wrong with people not replying either. i sometimes wont reply to comments for a certain vid myself.. but i do want people to know that any feedback is appreciated, so usually i reply, just in case like pole-twista said.
    and to answer e-vamp’s question, i always see if someone has posted on my profile page, no matter how many comments i call me obsessed with this site if you want, but i just always check my profile!!

  • velvetvixen

    October 10, 2009 at 12:10 pm

    Perhaps you could private message them the comments? I also wish we got notifications as well. I’ve honestly thought about making it so it says on my blog ‘reply by private message" or something like that b/c I will get comments on blog I wrote in the past and I dont know it until I look at all my blogs I wrote again. Someone had asked a questions and I didn’t notice til later, I hope they didn’t think I was ignoring them! (I explained but still…) I try to go back and see if anyone posted to my blog as well b/c I do appreciate the comments.

    I can’t always remember where I even put a comment or replied to a topic on the form. Is there a way to see your history at all? Thanks.

  • SissyBuns

    October 10, 2009 at 6:01 pm

    ..Yeah. I have.. really no interest in reading what someone thought about what I said. I want the person to read the comment, but not feel like they should respond to make me feel noticed. That way everyone feels like a superstar who doesn’t have to respond to their little people. The comments are for the video,… unless you ask a question, then you can return back to have it answered.

    However, if SV gets to comment notification, I’ll definitely pursue comment-conversations to the best of my ability.

    …I thought this was going to be like, a .. different kind of etiquette post, though. Like, "Is it wrong to leave a comment that only contains only booty praise?" …’Cause no. It ain’t. If that’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

    Gotta love the booty praise. I don’t wanna be right either.

  • Rena LadyBug

    October 10, 2009 at 7:29 pm

    I have started posting on people’s walls b/c I know I can’t remember all the videos I comment on, so I can’t expect others to!! It’s funny b/c I have been thinking about how nice it would be to get a notice when someone comments on your video/blog/wall/etc but also when someone replies to a comment you left on their stuff. Great minds think alike!


  • pole-twista

    October 10, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    speaking of blogs, know i did a little blogging (havent been consistent) and think there were some comments but couldnt view them … i am going to try again later when have a little more time but just wanted to say i would never ignore anyone so if you have ever left a comment or Q somewhere for me and i didnt respond, i promise it wasnt on purpouse.. i swear!
    i am going to see if i can fix the blog thing and as far as vid comments i havent posted a vid in like 6 months cause been 1 problem after another w laptop/camera cables, but should be posting back logged stuff this week (w any luck at all) so like some others said if you have an actual question you want the person to answer might be easier to leave it on the persons wall. i will too as sometimes i’ll ask about a move or name of a song, and the person probably responded but i forget like 10mins after posting who’s vid i just commented on and wich i asked questions… whew..
    to sum up a too long post i am just saying any comments / questions i get i respond to and if i dont i didnt see it. think thats the case w most people. ok..going to stop typing now..

  • Trena

    October 11, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    …I thought this was going to be like, a .. different kind of etiquette post, though. Like, "Is it wrong to leave a comment that only contains only booty praise?" …’Cause no. It ain’t. If that’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

    Ha ha ha! Um I often do that!!!!!! So I dont wana be right either in that case!!!

    Here’s me: I reply to each and every comment on my videos in the reply section. I go to look at my videos every once in a while to see if I have any new comments and I reply to those too. I know not a lot of people go back and check to see whether their comment has been replied to but thats ok, I still like replying to the comments regardless.
    I comment on every video i watch but I dont check back to see if the video poster has replied to my comment cause I dont mind if they reply or not. I just want the person to know that Ive watched their video and whether I enjoyed it or if I have any tips or whatever.
    About my profile page, I check that regularly to see if I have any new comments. And I always reply via the commenters profile page. I also check my friend invites regularly too. (Yes I spend waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on this site!!!)

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