Posted by mrsladydd on August 14, 2013 at 7:26 am

    I’ve been dying my hair black, black blue, black red etc for over 12 years & decided to try something lighter so i stupidly let my sister in law who said she knew what she was doing to bleach it blonde but its gone a horrible orange & i dont know what to do, i cant afford a professional & dont want to go dark again, my hairs in good condition, can i try bleaching it myself to get it any lighter, any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you

    mellcannon722769 replied 2 years, 8 months ago 19 Members · 34 Replies
  • 34 Replies
  • Dwiizie

    August 14, 2013 at 7:42 am

    Everyone is going to tell you to go to a salon. As for me, if you have hair color deposited, bleach won't necessarily lift it. I'd use something like Oops color remover to remove the deposited color. Then I'd wash it about 3 times and condition it like crazy with protein fillers and keratin. Theres a brand of powder bleach called prism lights, its really good for lightening without having to use a toner. I think the blue would be better than purple if your hair is really orangey. If it is more yellowy, use the purple kind. Depending on your hair, and how light you want to go, you can use a 30 or 40 vol developer (20 if you want to keep it very minimal and you can use minimal time and what not) Thats what I do with mine and its an awesome awesome blonde, and its nice and soft too. A few broken hairs, but thats what I get for dabbling so much lol. If after you lighten it, it is still too brassy, go for a really really blue/purple toner to lay overtop. Good luck!!!! And condition like crazy! I like Paul Mitchel repair, Hask Henna Placenta leave in (the extra damaged kind, or the with olive oil kind) The Hask Henna Placenta hair mask is good too. ApHogee two step protein infusion is a pain in the butt but it is the absolute best restorative there it. You wash, put the gunk in, and blow it dry without moving it, it hardens into a crisp, then you gently wash it out and condition. Hair is a zillion times better after. I love this stuff too, available most places:  They have a Moroccan Argan Oil line thats good too. 

  • Misspolejava

    August 14, 2013 at 9:41 am

    I’ve done hair for five years – and color oops will probably melt your hair off at this point. You will have to settle for a medium brown and gradually lighten it, depending on the integrity and health of your hair. I suggest going to a salon as well :/

  • Koidragon

    August 14, 2013 at 10:43 am

    Welcome to trying to lighten heavily dyed black hair – the red/orange colour is just what happens to most of us.

    I would agree with Misspolejava (from seeing it happen a number of times) – with your hair having had so much colour in it for so long, bleaching it to blonde in one hit is a bit much of an ask, and to do much more to it now could give you a chemical haircut. Also as Dwiizie said – bleach may not even lift the colour you have in your hair. I would suggest getting a rinse (I don't know if that is what they are called where you are) – ie, a non-permanent die (they say I think 8-10 washes on the pack? Can't remember) with no ammonia, in a brown colour you aren't adverse to, and then let your hair settle down before gradually taking it blonder, with either a salon or with Dwiizie's recommendations – but wait, or you may end up with a very short hair style and mush in your hands. Lots of conditioner!

  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 12:25 pm

    Thank you, i looked at the colour removers & strippers we have here (im in uk) & from what they said on the box about it wont work on high fashion colours like black blue etc i thought they’d be pointless so just bleached it, its only ever been bleached that one time & my hair is in good condition so im certain i wont end up with a chemical hair cut, i just dont understand how you’d/me would know if me bleaching it again will lighten it or not, i also thought colour strippers/removers wouldnt work after bleaching.

  • Dwiizie

    August 14, 2013 at 12:49 pm

    Color removers shrink pigments and when you wash the hair, it takes the dark pigments out, but it leaves little "color holes" behind in your hair, which makes it porous and more likely to take color. Bleaching just eats out the little color molecules, but it isn't designed to work with color that isn't naturally occurring in your hair. If you bleached black hair, you may have lightened the whole bit, but some of the color may still be deposited and is just bleached to orangey molecules, rather than leaving molecules empty. Bleaching again may very well only take you to where you already are but damage it further. If you are certain you want to do this on your own, and you don't want to use a pigment remover, you could try bleaching with a stronger mixture, but I'm not sure I would do that if it was me. The color removers won't make promises on very dark colors because its a LOT of pigment to remove. The remover, at any point, will simply do its best to take out the unnatural color molecules. If you think the bleaching did that and you're working with natural pigmentless hair (which IS typically orange, as seen on natural redheads) you can go straight for the bleach and pay attention to how many levels lighter you want to go (or, if its light enough but just orange, you can see if you can neutralize it with some blue toner) There really is no way to predict the results with hair thats been processed a lot without a strand test or some trial and error. You have to consider that even dark dyes still use ammonia to bust open your hair follicle, possibly peroxide to take out some natural color, and they deposit super dark molecules into the strand. Then when you condition you just smooth the strand as much as possible locking that molecule in. So your hair, if you've been dying black black/blue reddish/black for a while, has more damage to it than just this one shot bleach job.

  • Dwiizie

    August 14, 2013 at 12:55 pm

    Note: I am NOT a stylist, and some stylists would cringe reading what I wrote, everything I know I know from experimenting for the past 15 years, studying hair structure and how dyes and things work, and talking to stylists. Sometimes I cheat a little and go get a haircut with HORRIBLE color and the stylists usually can't help but tell me all I've done wrong. I take notes and go home and fix it (sorry stylists, I can't afford you, you're worth every penny, but I don't have every penny) If all goes to hell, you can always go super short and bleach the hell out of it and work your way down the color scale. SO much easier to go darker than lighter >.<

  • Dwiizie

    August 14, 2013 at 12:58 pm

    Another awesome option, if it appeals to you, is to go for a fire orange or bright red manic panic style dye. Itl take because of the bleach and it will just blend with whats there giving you funky hair. Then you can overlay blue to get purple and stuff. But thats a whooole different mode than trying to go blonde…

  • chemgoddess1

    August 14, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    Not to add too much but first, the hair also could not have processed long enough.  TYpically if you have very dark hair it will take 2 liftings but they need to be done several days apart.  It is hard to get out of the orange hair stage to get to the yellow in just one bleaching.  I will also taut the magic properties of ApHogee.  It is stinky, it is messy, it takes forever but I have brought my hair back from rubber band damage to being healthy.  

    If you are thinking of coloring at this point I would do a protein treatment and use a filler with the color.

    I am also not a stylist, just a chemist who has done all sots of fun damage to her hair over the years.

  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 5:07 pm

    wow thank you but im even more confused now, from what i can understand i should be trying a colour remover (was toold not to use this after bleaching) the bleach i used was russele jerome bblonde powdwer & a 40 vol developer & i used all 4 sachets & bottles at once(my hairs very long)  & left it on for 60 mins the max the box said & i did my roots last like told.

    i dont want to dye again unless i have to, just need rid of the orange, even my kids are calling me carrot top lol

    im in the uk & haven't heard of these ones your all mentioning


  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    is a pigment remover a colour stripper or remover & which is best for use after you've messed up & already bleached it to orange please?

  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 5:27 pm

    this is the main dye i use Schwarzkopf Live XXL Cosmic Blue or cyber purple & mystic violet & i reckon its the cosmic blue thats still there now orange as its practically black a dark rich black too

    this is what i've found which would yu recommend

    Colour B4 Hair Colour Remover Extra Strength

    Removes dark tones and build up

    As seen on TV

    Remove colour the safe and easy way

    UK's 1st commercial remover

    Use to remove any unwanted hair colour

    Removes permanent and semi permanent hair colour

    Removes colour build up

    Includes unique conditioning buffer to strengthen and condition your hair

    Safe and gentle with no ammonia or bleach

    Can be used before any colour treatment

    Use before any salon visit

    We all know it's easy to change the colour of your hair but harder to change it back

    Here's the easier way, ColourB4™ removes hair colour at home.

    Simply comb in, wait (up to 60 minutes) and rinse away and your hair is free of colour without using ammonia or bleach

    Contains unique conditioning buffer to strengthen and condition your hair.

    ColourB4™ Extra is ideal for the removal of multiple colour applications or unwanted shades like Dark Tones & Colour Build up (e.g. Dark Brown Black & Red)

    Why Use Conditioning Buffer?

    Prevents reoxidation allowing immediate re colour

    Helps strengthen your hair

    Provides deep conditioning

    For lighter to mid tones use ColourB4™ Regular

    this is what i think i should use now

  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 5:30 pm

    or is it this one

    Decolour Hair Colour Stripper

    Previously a treatment only available in salons, Decolour Stripper uses a safe, gentle pigment removal powder to remove both natural and artificial colour pigments.

    Taking less than and hour, this unique formula creates a lighter base which can be effectively and immediately recoloured. It’s an ideal method if you want to change dark hair to blonde or red, or simply achieve a lighter brunette result than your current shade.


    Decolour Stripper uses an ultra kind lightener with no ammonia and contains the lowest levels of peroxide found in a lightening produ

    Precision conditioning ‘non-drip’ cream allows you to effectively apply to the roots with ease.

    Unique Decolour Stripper formula ensures hair cuticle and internal fibres are not damaged or destroyed.

    Hair can be effectively re-coloured immediately after the stripping process is complete

    Unique formula protects hair lipid levels and retains hair condition.

    Can be used twice in succession on very dark base to ensure effective transition to a lighter or blonde shade.


    Full instruction leaflet included in the box- A SKIN TEST SHOULD BE CARRIED OUT 48 HOURS PRIOR TO USING THIS PRODUCT

  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 5:33 pm

    theres also this one

    Decolour Hair Colour Remover

    Decolour Hair Colour Remover is a safe way to remove all types of permanent and semi-permanent hair colour without lightening or changing your natural hair colour.

    No ammonia, bleach or peroxide.

    Simply apply, develop and in less than an hour rinse away any unwanted colour or reverse the effect of build-up resulting from frequent colouring

    Decolour Remover uses the latest technology to safely and effectively 'shatter' the colour molecule rather than just ‘shrink’ it. Hair requires minimal rinsing and has a reduced risk of re-oxidisation

    Removes artificial colour pigments without changing the underlying natural hair colour

    Decolour Remover precision conditioning cream allows you to effectively apply to specific areas, the ‘non-drip’ formula and ensures hair isn’t damaged during the colour pigment removal.

    Works for all types of colour removal from incorrect tone to heavy black colour build up.

    Unique formula protects hair lipid levels and retains hair condition.

    Will not lighten hairbase shade.


  • KidKerrigan

    August 14, 2013 at 6:44 pm

    By the sounds of things, the amount of money and trouble you'll go to to fix it yourself will probably surpass what you would pay a professional 🙁

  • mrsladydd

    August 14, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    probably but i also have 4 kids 3 dogs a husband & a house to look after so time is hard to, i do it of an evening while they in bed, no salon round here is ever open after 7 at the latest so i dont have much choice

    which of the above 3 would be best i think the extra strenght colour remover but is it worth it or will it not wrk as i've already bleached

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