Forums Discussions Thinking of relocating the pole to bedroom

  • Thinking of relocating the pole to bedroom

    Posted by PoleSkivvies on March 29, 2009 at 4:21 pm

    I’ve been all up in arms this week because my teacher suggested I do just one song a day on the pole to improve overall conditioning, which is certainly more consistent than my current approach. Generally I do a lot (for me) on the weekends and one or two other goodly workouts in the week.

    The thing is, ever since she suggested this – only 5 minutes a day, she says – I don’t want to pole at all! So my man has been laughing at me because I was all "how am I going to do this, when will this fit into my schedule?" and he’s like "do you not see how you have completely stopped poling since you started worrying about this? Let it go!"

    So, I’m giving up on that and am going to try to just make poling more accessible. The thing is, even though it’s spring, it’s still chilly and I go into this near-hypothermic/hibernation state and don’t want to get off the couch. So I’m thinking I should move the pole up to the bedroom, where it’s warmer, and where I go everyday anyway.

    Just whining at you all, really. I needed to let it out so I would get back on track. My goals for pole are simple – yet quite out of reach so far: I just want to be able to do my spins and a few inverts and holds and transition between them well enough to make for some fun dancing.

    Hope I get there! (And thanks for listening.)

    PoleSkivvies replied 15 years, 7 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Fleur

    March 29, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    Hey skivvies,

    It was great to meet you in chat on friday
    I have my pole in my bedroom and sometimes, at night, or if I get antsy, I hop on it for just a song or two and feel much better afterward. I don’t necessarily do any tricks, not even spins sometimes, but getting moving and having the pole there definitly helps! I think it’s a good idea to move the pole to the bedroom but I don’t necessarily think you should do a song a day. It shouldn’t be a chore, like something you check off your list of things-to-do. Do a dance when the feeling hits you otherwise don’t worry about it! It’s good to have days off anyway! I definitly don’t dance everyday, I try for every other day.


  • PoleSkivvies

    March 29, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    Thanks, Fleur! I really appreciate hearing that.

    I suppose it may take me longer to get where I want to with pole, but it’s not like I’m in training for any competition. I just want to enjoy it.

    And it was nice meeting you on chat, too!

  • SaschaPoles

    March 29, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    i agree with fleur, you seem all stressed out and really it’s nothing you HAVE to do. was your teacher demanding it or was it just a suggestion? as soon as you start placing all these requirements on yourself and setting strict guidelines and deadlines, that’s when poling goes from being a fun hobby to a dreaded chore. go at your own pace but keep at continuous practice and you’ll eventually reach your goals. ps, give your doggy a kiss for me!!!

  • PoleSkivvies

    March 29, 2009 at 6:10 pm

    She was just making a friendly suggestion, a way for me to increase conditioning without a lot of effort. I think it just backfired.

    You know, it occurs to me that I learned to belly dance – and got very proficient at it – taking just one class per week, and NEVER practicing on my own. So I think I’ll keep that in mind.

    It’s just been so funny how I didn’t even want to pole jam yesterday. I had been so excited about it, and then I kept thinking I had to find my 5 minutes (!) and I flipped out and did nothing.

    It’s possible I’m weirder than I realized.

    P.S. The Rocky beastlet says hi and kisses you back, Sascha!

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