Forums Discussions Splits – How long did it take you?

  • ahlemh20014818

    April 14, 2012 at 2:25 am

    Just a question girls, I have found out "knots" on the behind of my knee and another one in the armpit.the one one the armpit is painful, you can actually see there is a knot visually, the one begind the knee is not painful if I touch it, but It hurts a bit in doing some movements. would you use a foam roller to release them or massage?I actually dont know if I have to put pressure on them or leave them alone. the knot on my armpit has been here for a while now, I thought at first it was beacause of me shaving.

  • ahlemh20014818

    April 14, 2012 at 2:25 am

    Just a question girls, I have found out "knots" on the behind of my knee and another one in the armpit.the one one the armpit is painful, you can actually see there is a knot visually, the one begind the knee is not painful if I touch it, but It hurts a bit in doing some movements. would you use a foam roller to release them or massage?I actually dont know if I have to put pressure on them or leave them alone. the knot on my armpit has been here for a while now, I thought at first it was beacause of me shaving.

  • Lyme Lyte

    June 6, 2012 at 11:05 pm

    I am 46 and got my splits in 8 weeks stretching about 2x week. It is not as though I can now just fall into them, it takes me about 20 min to stretch out before I can go all the way down.

  • CapFeb

    June 7, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    I’ve never considered myself flexible, but I guess I am. It took me about a month to get my forward splits (left foot leading). I just looked up “how to do the splits” online, and did the recommended stretching excessize every day for four weeks, usually right before bed. I’m working on the side splits right now (I think that’s what they’re called, every time I see them I just think of Carrot Top…) but not I’m not so fierce about getting them as I was with the left foot leading splits.

    Also: Keeping yourself super hydrated really really helps. I didn’t drink hardly any water when I learned left. Now I’m learning right, and drinkingwater seems to have made stretching keep it’s….stretch? Longer, and with more effect.

  • Cantetinza17

    January 29, 2013 at 10:32 am

    It took 2 months of a llot of stretching before I got my left side split.  It looks like an extra month for my right and my middle splits is still a work in progress.

  • Ava Avane Dawn

    March 16, 2013 at 10:50 am

    The question thus far having been how long it took to get down into doing the split, now my question is how much you have to work in order to keep being able to go all the way down! Not as much, I hope? What's your experience?

  • tehCammy

    March 16, 2013 at 1:10 pm

    You should be stretching just about every time you do pole. If you do other exercises that may tighten the muscle (running, powerlifting, etc) then you should be stretching then as well. Bottom line, splits aren't something you get, they're something you do. You have to keep working if you want to keep doing them.


    Tongue in cheek: if you don't keep doing them, you could hop on your pole one day and end up like THIS:


  • Ava Avane Dawn

    March 17, 2013 at 8:27 am

    Thanks for the answer! We'll see where my motivation takes me, I have other things I wish to train too…

  • Ladylibra12

    March 18, 2013 at 3:01 am

    i have heard that the valentino brother dvd's are too advanced for beginners. is this true? because i planned on checking them out, but i don't know…..i can't seem to find too many reviews.

  • RoseMay

    March 18, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    Valentino brothers have beginner/intermediate and advanced DVDs. The beginner/intermediate are definately suitable for beginners, for people who can't do the splits yet. They explain a lot there. The 3 beginner DVDs brought my splits from 16 inches down to 4 inches off the floor within 6 months on and off training. At this point I stopped making progress and bought Aletheas DVDs.

    If you can do the splits you can use the advanced Valentino Brother ones (at least the ones about leg flexibility).

    Re: How long does it take to maintain the splits: For me I need 2 hours per month to maintain a 4 inch oversplit on my good side and normal split on my bad side 🙂 30 minutes per week is ideal, but I don't always do that. Though it would take a lot more work for me to progress from there.

  • Ladylibra12

    March 18, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    thanks rosemay! i went ahead and purchased the beginner DVDs. i'm the type of person that NEEDS a routine to follow along. i'm not good at, nor am i consistent with trying to take videos and make up my own routine. i skimmed through them and i think they will be very helpful. i am NOWHERE near the splits. i am about 20 inches from the ground lol. they suggest 3x a week and i have been trying to workout 3x a week so i can do it after my workouts. 

  • amberpoledancer

    March 19, 2013 at 9:44 pm

    After 30 years of not being able to do the splits at all I just got them last week. As a child I could never do them and kinda gave up trying, however I always naturally had flexible hip flexors ( I often sit in a butterfly stretch when watching TV as I find it comfortable) and can easily put my legs over my head however I learned my hamstrings where really tight hence the reason I can’t do spilts. I tried stretching a few times a week when doing pole for 2 years and got no where. Then I discovered a love for yoga and aerial yoga and I literally got bendy over night! With in my first week of joining a yoga class my splits where much lower to the ground, two months later I can finally do it!!! It’s still a bit of a struggle ( i need to do it after a good pole workout and ease into it slowly and it’s not perfect yet but I’m so happy!) can’t recommend yoga and aerial yoga enough if you want to get bendy for pole!

  • leyrose

    August 4, 2013 at 10:35 pm

    Front/side splits took me 3 weeks to get after not doing them for a few years. Middle splits I've never had and am currently struggling with them. 

  • Polefit Korea

    August 5, 2013 at 9:22 am

    Front spilt took me 6 months. Middle split.. I'm still working on it.

    Putting your hands on your waist instead of ground would be helpful.



  • blondierat

    August 5, 2013 at 4:40 pm

    So glad to here that Amber! I just started going to hot yoga as much as I can – I already feel the benefits! I no longer get major pain in my right shoulder. Hopefully I will be down in my splits soon enough! I need to start stretching more as well. 

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