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Somebody talk to me about twisted grip
Posted by polergirl on January 28, 2010 at 1:57 amIt seems I am seeing it everywhere, which of course means I want to try it. Why do you use it? What are the pros/cons of working with it?
TrophyWife replied 15 years ago 10 Members · 11 Replies -
11 Replies
I can’t do this one and pretty much don’t know anything about it, except that it’s an advanced type of grip. It takes more strength to be able to do it, at least to do it without straining something (I think)… Anyone I’ve ever seen learn it did so after learning at least one of the other standard grips. It’s just more impressive because it’s more advanced, as far as I could tell.
But I could be wrong, that’s just the impression I get. I love to hear if it’s something different, though!
I cannot wrap my head around a standard cartwheel or handspring but can do this move, although I have to start with my bottom hand very low to the ground. To me this uses more back/shoulder muscles than straight arm muscles, but I also strained my shoulder (already was injured) when I was first learning this. It also seems to me that I am more stable in this grip. I can slide into a twisted grip aysha from an inverted crucifix but still cannot do a standard split grip aysha (but I am CLOSE).
I do not like this move…….. This move aggravated a non pole related injury for me personally and I have heard of and gotten emails from other dancers who have injured themselves because of this move. Soooo should anyone chose to try this TG mount, I feel it should be done from an invert and NOT by kicking up into the mount. Its a really unnatural position for the top arm to begin with, and adding the force of a kick and the jerking on the limbs that can result, means you can VERY easily injure yourself. If you have troubles at all with your wrist, elbows or shoulders DON’T try this move!
The twisted grip takes more abdominal strength and will feel more stable than a regular grip for the cartwheel mount and some other grips, because your not relying on arm strength as Chem said, but your "pulling/hanging" from a larger muscle group, the shoulder/upper back/teres major & minor ect.. and using a straight arm to push away from the bottom. The bottom arm can cause pain and trouble too if you tend to be hyperflexible at the elbow.
I know a good number of pole moves are far from ergonomically correct so this is my thought on the TG…. If someone has the strength and flexibility to perform this safely then that’s fine for them, but I don’t think this is a move that everyone should be doing.
Yay, good information, ladies!! I have a wicked strong back, but with shoulders and pole dance there is always the worry of overdoing, and having overdone it before I do NOT want to go down that road again. Lots to think about. Thank you!!!
I’m really guilty of using this mount – infact I am trying to get my lift back. The main reason I use it is because it’s much more stable than the regular hs mount, also as far as I can tell the TG mount is the best if not the only way to hs upthe pole which is my goal.
The tg is not for those who can’t do basic hs and cartwheel mounts, it’s not for those with problematic joints, it’s not for those who have wrist issues, neck or back trouble, shoulder trouble or weak abdominals.
*if you are pregnant or nursing check with a doctor to see if the tg hs is right for you* lol!
That was a interesting post Venna, I have herd people hurting themselves several times before too. When I first saw this grip I was like…how are the normal non-double jointed people doing this I would imagine it would take alot out of your wrists. I really want to get the spinning tg lift or (phoenix) so badly! its *SO* hard.
Did this hold come from the Chinese pole?
I tried to get one of my guy friends the other day to do it and he had trouble getting his hand around the pole, he thought i made up some weird double jointed thing and i was like…. "no no! everyone is doing it!!" lol -
I think it got really popular because of Sarah Cretul (BTW..where has she been lately??) and her aerial handspring. Had not seen it much before her.
I use the twisted grip and I don’t mind talking about it. I have experienced some pains as the result of using the twisted grip which have kept me off of the pole for days at a time. Part of this is the physical awkwardness of the position itself, and part of it has been negligence on my own part. But I have also caused myself certain pains by doing other moves like the cartwheel mount. I think any move can be dangerous or harmful for someone whose musculature isn’t prepared for it in terms of strength and flexibility, and even the very strong and very flexible can hurt themselves by trying advanced moves without being warmed up adequately first.
Here are some things I like about the twisted grip. I will preface this by saying I only like twisted grip after I am inverted. But once I am inverted, the grip feels more natural and seems less taxing on the wrist and elbow of my top bracket than does the split grip (or cartwheel mount). In addition to this, it offers a lot more control over the aerial movement done in inverted holds. Also, I feel like the twisted grip allows me to hold my torso straighter without the odd sideways-bowing that I have found characteristic of the split grip in inversions. Lastly, I really like that this grip offers the ability to do very slow and controlled lifts and dismounts, instead of leaps and falls.
Now here are some things that I do not like at all about the twisted grip! From the floor, it feels very awkward and can be painful if I am not very precise about my hand and body positioning. Also, pushing off into a slow lift, I have found, puts a lot of strain on the shoulder of my lower bracket (usually left for me) which can leave that shoulder hurting for a couple days (after all, a body is a lot of weight to put there). Further, if I have to shift around too much to get myself inverted in the twisted grip, I find that there is some discomfort for a day or two following behind my right shoulder blade and on the right side of my neck.
I do feel that most of the problems that I have had using the twisted grip could have been mostly alleviated though, if I had been fully warmed up before attempting to do any twisted grip handspring work. Also, whenever I do strength training, I use the Y.T.I. exercise formula that is posted in Veena’s video. My friend panda (squishypanda9 who just joined the site today) has been doing that exercise and also Veena’s wrist/forearm exercises with me, and I feel much safer when I’m on the pole knowing that I’m using Veena’s advice to strengthen and protect some of my very vulnerable muscles and joints. And I’ve been on enough forced sabbaticals from the pole to realise that I’m just not going to get away with performing demanding pole moves when not adequately warmed up. And if I weren’t as stubborn and sometimes dumb as I can be, I would have learnt the first time.
All that said, I learned all of the other grips before I started trying to work with TG. And I fully agree with Veena that this grip should be done from an invert before attempting the handspring. Even though I use the handspring, I still really enjoy going into the twisted grip from a "princess grip" shoulder mount. Once you get your legs on the pole, you can drop your lower bracket, and voila! You’re in twisted grip and can butterfly, aysha, or whatever. I like doing inverted bodywave in twisted grip, and when I do it makes everyone at work go crazy!
I am not overly fond of the current TG obsession that’s going around right now. It almost looks like its a requirement in order to stay competitive, and I think that’s too bad. There are so many beautiful and challenging moves that can be performed on the pole without having to use twisted grip, and most moves that can be done with this grip can be done with other grips. Handspring "lifts" can be done with true grip although this may take more strength and more training. I presently cannot "lift" into anything with that grip, but it has to be possible because its been done in every Chinese pole performance I’ve ever seen. The straight edge, aysha, and jackknife, can be done with the split, forearm, or elbow grips. I’m sure that if I practiced a little more I could get an inverted bodywave with elbow or forearm grip… and actually after watching this thread, I’m sure I really ought to work on that. I agree with Veena that TG isn’t for everyone, and for myself I have found that I can only use the TG handspring in moderation unless I am just in the mood to do some suffering for a day or two to follow. I have a suspicion that the need for moderation in TG may be a universal one, but each poler knows her/his body better than I!
Woooooow!! StellarMotion, a twisted grip Aysha from shoulder mount with the princess grip…. Cant wait to try that!!!
I use the twisted grip to mount (not lift yet – I’d looove to be able to!!), and I really have never experienced a problem with it. Although I do see how it could be for some.. I’d imagine it’d be really dangerous to perform with a locked-out hyper-flexible elbow on the lower bracket!!
I’ve injured myself more than once doing the ordinary split grip either handspringing or cartwheeling, or, my ultimate nemesis.. split grip hanging bodywave or air walking! The damage is always to the wrist on the lower bracket for me!
I love TG!! its my preferred way of getting into a handstand…I find it LESS painful than the normal Cartwheel/split grip once im inverted…my shoulders are pretty flexible and i warm them up heavily before I do it so maybe that helps but i feel much more secure in TG and i find it uses LESS strength than Cartwheel b/c you dont need to keep pulling in. Its also used for phoenix which i think is a awesome move, and like David said the control you have both in and out makes it impressive…like Sarah does…AMAZING! Everyone has preferences on grip whether it be Twisted/split or even elbow/forearm…good luck if you decide to try it out!!
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