Forums Discussions STUPID GIRL I AM – I THINK I WANT MY 45mm back!

  • azriel

    December 9, 2009 at 4:47 pm

    Awww i can imagine how you feel. I had my 50mm for a year before i bought a 45mm, & i notice a HUGE difference. After playing on my 45 for a while, my 50 seems so hard to grip, even though i’ve had it for a year! So i can imnagine how hard it must be for you, having to switch from 45 to 50.

    But really, it’s all a matter of what you get used to.. keep practicing on it no matter how hard it is at first. And your grip will get even stronger than it did with the 45! I have small hands too, & before i got my 45, i was totally fine with the 50. But if you see that it’s still straining you after a while, can you sell the 50 & buy another 45?

  • Louisex

    December 9, 2009 at 5:33 pm

    Awww i can imagine how you feel. I had my 50mm for a year before i bought a 45mm, & i notice a HUGE difference. After playing on my 45 for a while, my 50 seems so hard to grip, even though i’ve had it for a year! So i can imnagine how hard it must be for you, having to switch from 45 to 50.

    But really, it’s all a matter of what you get used to.. keep practicing on it no matter how hard it is at first. And your grip will get even stronger than it did with the 45! I have small hands too, & before i got my 45, i was totally fine with the 50. But if you see that it’s still straining you after a while, can you sell the 50 & buy another 45?

    i just love the 45mm grip, iv just found a spare part from my 45mm and i love how snug my hand fits around it. and my hand doesnt go fully around a 50mm. the bfs gonna kill me lol as iv only really just bought this 50mm and i sold my 45mm on his ebay account and hes gonnaa go mad lol – its like im going in circles. one min i want to sell my 45mm then i want a 50mm and now my 45mm has sold i hear people loving the 45mm more than the 50mm, i miss it and i do have better grip on a 45mm.

  • miss fern

    December 10, 2009 at 4:46 am

    Awww don’t worry! Look at it as an opportunity to get EVEN better at pole dancing! Strengthen that grip so if one day you use a 45mm it will be easy peasy!

    Also – 50mm has its advantages when you’re more advanced. Some of the other grips, like holding on with your armpit or the side of your torso, etc are actually easier on a wider pole, and hurt less, coz of surface area!

    I have a 45mm at home but I use a 50mm every time I teach so the transition is not really noticeable to me. It’s just a familiarity thing, you’ll love it as much as your old pole in no time – dont’ give up!

  • Jenn

    December 10, 2009 at 4:08 pm

    .. or maybe you should just have one of each! I have been wanting to get a smaller diameter pole myself for a while, but I don’t want to give up my TG 50mm. At one point I had a chrome 50mm as well, but I sold it. And now I miss it, even though I didn’t like it when I had it! I think poles are kinda like shoes, you can’t have just one pair, it will never suit all your needs!

  • Veena

    December 10, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    I agree with Jenn…..why not have one of each. I have both and like to use both, now I can adapted to different sizes really well and I know what moves work best for me on each size. I have 8 X poles now. Not all of them are up though.

  • Kittyclimber

    December 10, 2009 at 5:55 pm

    If you can afford to have both, I definately would. I have a 50mm X Chrome, 45mm X Chrome, and 2" PS. I do’t minding having all different ones so I can decide which to put in my studio, when I open one. Also, when I teach lessons I have them try out the dif material and sizes to see which they prefer, esp if they are looking to buy one. When I am learning a new move, I try to start by working on the stainless PS, the slippery-er grip and bigger poles means more then likely nailing that move there will make any other pole seem easier.

  • shayshay21489

    December 10, 2009 at 6:55 pm

    I have small hands too but I heard that quite naturally when you learn on a 50 pole you handle the other pole sizes if you start with 45 and go to 50 it will be more difficult to practice on. So 50 isn’t so bad. I watched the way dancers hold the pole and how muc@h space is between there when you grip the pole do yhou feel better wrapping your hand around it and your fingers touch or do you like a bit of space between? I don’t know which is recommended for betterf performance I think it may be based on personal preference.

  • SaschaPoles

    December 10, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    awww hunnie!! how frustrating!!!!!! ive been thinking of getting a 45 and making that my new size for awhile now. im saving for it now (veena how do you like your new 45 titanium gold??) all the time im like, "well 50 is the standard so i should use that" but really, where do i go that has poles?? once in awhile to a club where i do one spin??? might as well get a 45 and have a better grip than…..oh im rambling. lol. but louisax i hope you get your 45 and soon!

  • carriej

    January 1, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    I’ve got a 50 chrome and at class they’ve got superskinny poles (brass, I think). I still love my 50 cause if I can nail a move at home, it’ll be super easy in class! If the class isn’t too cold or slippery that day, then I end up feeling like superwoman! lol

  • SandyBrown

    January 10, 2010 at 2:04 am

    I’m thinking about getting a 45mm, but when I first started poling, it was on a 50mm. The transition to the 45mm wasn’t that difficult, but I could definitely tell the difference in my grip. Spins feel better on the 45mm, but I’m noticing that I feel more supported when inverting on the 50mm.

  • Chiffon

    January 11, 2010 at 3:53 am

    I had the opposite problem. I started on a 50mm and thought I would get a better grip with the 45mm, so I sold my pole, and bought the 45mm. After two months, I just couldn’t get used to it so I went back to the 50mm. If you have an xpole, don’t buy a whole other pole. you can just buy the 45mm main A&B pole, plus the adaptor. All the other pieces are universal. I think it will cost you $150-170. The adjustor cover is an extra $10. Good luck!

  • loopielou

    January 12, 2010 at 9:48 am

    You will get used to the new one, it’ll just take time and I think it’s swings and roundabouts as everybody else says. The 50mm is better for leg grip and arm pit grip I think and the 45mm better on your hands so it just depends on what you’re doing. I want to try a 45mm but have learnt on the 50mm and as that is what most studios have, it’s good to know what I can do on it.

    Also, when you enter competitions and win them, that will be on the 50mm I would think so you’ll be even better than you would be had you still had your 45mm

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