Power of the Pole?
So I’ve been itching to comment on how someone here stated a while back how it seems like a horizontal bar for ballet or gymnastics is so much less intimidating to our current societal mores, but once you place it on it’s end, it’s suddenly slutty. Anyone ever considered the Freudian and Jungian psychological aspects/associations going on here? Apparently when a woman decides to achieve a level of her own ‘personal physical power’ it tends to ruffle feathers all over the place.
The horizontal bar is static, passively lying on it’s side, but the pole.. all erect and such https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_lol.gif — people can’t handle it when a woman can claim her OWN sexual identity without the specific need for some man’s "erect pole" https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_twisted.gif they get their undies all in a twist you know, slinging around derogatory uses of the word ‘stripper’ or even worse. It seems it all comes down to the fact that people can’t stand to admit the true power of the female nature; that which magnetizes, attracts (and yes, nurtures, but this is what we’re ideal used to conforming to) and is completely irresistible. So many times this is demonized and shoved away to the back of our collective psyche’s closet. When a woman truly possesses and masters her very own "masculine" power in a graceful and feminine way she is a force to be reckoned with!!
No wonder husbands, boyfriends, "friends" and family get scared! They can call it degrading or whatever, but the truth is they just don’t understand their own sexuality and it’s inherent power and if you try to for yourself, it tends to make them feel uncomfortable with themselves and they feel the need to project their emotional immaturity and stunted perceptions of morality upon you! So ladies or anyone out there dealing with someone you care about making you feel bad for poling, just giggle to yourself in the back of your mind knowing why they can’t handle it! https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_farao.gif Maybe if Barbie had stopped trying to be everything men told her was "acceptable" to be and just embraced her womanhood fully, she never would have needed Ken (that is, unless she wanted him!)!
Usually when one sees the depth of skill it takes to execute these moves, they tend to break past their old paradigms and respect our art. This isn’t always an easy point to get to with some people, but I’ve never seen anyone say anything less than "Whoa!!" to a well executed jade, death lay, etc. – So don’t get discouraged, we’ll soon get to the day when the idea of balking at a woman on a pole will seem archaic and silly; until then, happy poling!!
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