Forums Discussions Poor Body Image

  • TreesySpins

    January 10, 2018 at 12:26 pm

    Veena, thank you for your input. You’re right that the only people who will really judge are people who are unhappy with themselves. I’ll try to remember that.

  • Kiki5817

    January 10, 2018 at 2:36 pm

    Treesy, my IG is _polar_angel_
    There’s nothing on there yet but sometime hopefully in the near future

  • asloan

    January 11, 2018 at 9:06 am

    Am I ever so insecure!! Omg its terrible, I have found that putting the colored light behind me with no lighting from the ceiling on that it almost creates a silohette so u see no cellulite or bulges etc..I record everything and keep I can see my own progress and also it does make me feel pretty sassy when im unable to see any flaws just my movements!! Hope this helps and so nice to know I am not the only one who feels this way about myself!! When I get IG I will for sure follow so we can support eachothers progress!!!😃😃

  • travelerunderstars4916

    January 12, 2018 at 4:02 am

    To be honest I’m exactly the same way! I am tall but not super skinny and just feel very gangly and awkward and I don’t normally wear heels because they make me too tall! I have an insta too but I don’t post anything on it because every picture or video I’ve ever taken looks awful. I even do some of veena’s challenges but I’ve never actually posted! I did finally find a few pole clothes I like better and I’m working on flow and closing my eyes and enjoying the dance and the movement. I don’t even love looking in the mirror some days! So you are definitely not alone. Thanks everyone for the suggestions!

  • Suzanna

    January 18, 2018 at 6:01 pm

    Treesy, (and other ladies), here comes a thought from the completely opposite end… I am TALL (6 feet) and quite heavy and if you would look at me, you would think I am a super woman, ha ha… well, that’s what other people think when they see how fit I am… (IG: suzanna.fit_vegan) I have been working really hard to get fit, but honestly, the pole is killing me (and my “athletic” ego, ha ha… that’s good for me, I guess)… I’ve been poling for 1.5 year now, and my development is so slow. I feel heavy and tall and weak for my body proportions… I so “envy” (I mean it in a positive way) the shorter girls, they seem just to jump on the pole, boom, invert, boom, Ayesha… while I am still mastering the climb. Or something simple. Because of my body size, I have been always feeling like a baby seal trying to dance on the sand, ha ha… Always a little awkward. I don’t have any dancing or gymnastic background, I am 52 years old, and I don’t have too many tall role models…

    As I was getting slightly better, and I do have a few moments of grace sometimes (like 15 seconds, haha), it struck me that other ladies/people comment how beautiful this tall body looks moving around the pole, so this, so that, so graceful… all these things that I had as my limitations, they did admire… and it hit me that I did put all the limitations on myself… I am who I am, and I’d better do the best out of it. Maybe it will take me 10 times longer than a shorter girl can do, but ultimately, who cares how long it will take me? As long as I am improving, little by little…

    It maybe sounds like a brag a little about my fitness, but it is not meant to be that way. I just want to show the opposite point of the spectrum—tall and seemingly fit—and I struggle as much, if not more, than anybody else… It will bring things in perspective. I started to follow more of the “beginner” polers on IG because it makes me in touch with reality, that we all struggle when we learn something new. I still love to watch all the graceful advanced ladies/men, but for the balance, I also admire every beginner of every size.

  • Veena

    January 18, 2018 at 10:08 pm

    Suzanna, this is a great post!!

  • dannielletaylor2609

    January 19, 2018 at 12:26 pm

    Thank you so much for your courage! I like you struggle everyday with poor body image and soome days poling make it better and some days my mind gets the best of me and makes it worse.

    What a couple of people have already said is true, A lot of what you see on IG are cultivated it’s the best of a performance or the best of session. Remember that what may be awkward to you may be amazing to someone else as well. And years from now you will look back and be amazed at how far you’ve come.

    I also agree that u have to find clothing that works for you. I now pole in a dance skirt that has pole shorts attached. I original bought it to cone my thighs a bit but found that it gives me freedom to move without being self conscious. And it glows in the dark so that is fun.

    And here is my two cents, what I didn’t know when I started poling is there are all different types of poling and polers They are some pole sisters that love power moves and are amazing with the inverts and hangs and such while there are others are a beautiful contemporary polers just like ballerinas and then there are some who are so slinky and sexy you’d think they had no bones!!! Find a style that make you feel confident! I didn’t think I would like erotic style but I sooo do while the power style is harder for me I’m 5’7 290lbs so the simple power stuff like pulling up and climbing is my nemesis.

    And lastly, be kind to yourself. Find one thing you like in your videos and celebrate it even something a simple as my arm looked beautiful extended and have a powerful effect. Sorry for the length but your post was like finding a kindred spirit. Thanks to everyone else who shared as well. I plan to follow you guys on IG, I’m @curvypolegoddess if anyone wants to follow back. Like so many of us I have barely posted but maybe we should use this to do like a posting challenge or something with basic moves, sometimes those can be the prettiest.

  • TreesySpins

    January 19, 2018 at 1:47 pm

    Suzanna and Danielle, thank you both for your posts and for being able to relate! Suzanna, I suppose you’re right that regardless of your shape or size, there are benefits and yet we all need to find what makes us comfortable.
    Danielle thank you for your comments as well and I LOVE your idea of a post challenge. Just simple stuff to get ourselves posting!! I began following other women who are also new to poling and it’s very inspiring to everyone in various stages of learning. It’s made me realize that this is such a great community of people, they’re all doing their best, and I’m exited to be a part of it.
    I locked my IG account and only share it with other polers and that makes me much more comfortable now. I would like to follow you both and any other lovely ladies interested in inspiring/encouraging each other. My name is TreesySpins. I’ll look for you!

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