Forums Discussions Pole accidents?

  • Legs4Days

    April 1, 2013 at 11:40 pm

    Just sprained my ankle! It happened so fast, but I was coming out of a simple spin and I think…I put my feet down to stop but my body tried to keep going. That caused my ankle to twist. Just using ice and ibuprofen. It's red and just a little puffy but hurts like anything if I dont keep it straight. I can walk ok tho. Nice…

  • Sassypants

    April 2, 2013 at 12:31 pm

    I fall all the frickin time. ALL THE TIME. I always have crash mats down for new moves, though, even if I've gotten them a couple times already. 

    The only one that scared me was a fall out of CAR. I thought I had mastered it so there was no padding underneath me. I'm not sure what happened but I slipped out of it: I was fortunately able to grab the pole behind my head, but it only slowed the fall a little bit. I tucked my head and landed on my shoulder. That promptly ended pole practice for the day, and CAR attempts for months. God, that hurt. 

  • Dwiizie

    April 2, 2013 at 12:39 pm

    When I was filming my first videos, I was trying to pull out at least ONE move that I felt was cool and actually a pole pose. I got into a wrist sit, and was SO HAPPY I nailed it after not practicing it in a while. In the video I DIDN'T post lol, you see my face light up and I squeel of joy, and promptly loose all composure and fall right down the pole. Its hilarious. I flattened out so I wouldn't hit my back, and the bottom of the frame is cut off, so all you see is my legs sprawl out as I fall, then I sit back up into the frame, and hug my elbow lol. Then I grab the pole to get up, I make it to my knees and grab my elbow. Then I start walking to turn off the camera, and I pause, to yes, grab my elbow. No bruises (that amazed me), no muscle damage, wasn't even hurting after 10 minutes, and I went back and took one more video and called it a night. Boy was it funny. The largest, beamingest smile I think I am capable of, and the rug gets yanked right out from under me. My husband said it was like first time surfers, they work so hard to stand up and ride a wave, and when they finally get that wave, they inevitably give that huge grin before losing their balance and wiping out haha

  • Elektra Vallens

    April 2, 2013 at 4:31 pm

    I've fallen a few times; once I was too sweaty and fell down the pole in a jade split- no injuries though; once I slipped while doing shouldermount hops and caught myself, but ended up tearing my subscapularis in the process; once I fell sideways out of a mount hook/forearm grip rubber ayesha- no injuries there either; and the scariest fall of all was trying out grip changes in ayesha, because when you don't get it, you don't really have time to bail to the side (at least, I didn't), and down on your head you go.  Fortunately, this last one took place over my mat, so I was rattled but fine.

    I definitetly agree with Veena's post, and especially the part about having a mat.  If you're practicing at home at an intermediate-advanced level it's a really necessary piece of equipment.

  • gemtwist

    April 2, 2013 at 8:26 pm

    My worst injury was an intercostal strain. I was learning a drop from flatline to inside leg hang and my instructor told me to make sure to catch myself with my shoulder on the pole, so I twisted my torso hard into the pole as I was coming down and strained it. It's been almost a year since I did that and it still gives me trouble. I keep restraining it and it just never heals. It's really driving me crazy.

    One time I was super slippery, which is unusual for me. I went into yogini, which I've done so many times, but since I was unusually slippery, I slid right down the pole and landed on my knee caps. Ouch. They were so bruised that I couldn't kneel for a couple of weeks.

  • AliciaPolerina

    April 2, 2013 at 10:21 pm

    Sprained my intercostal muscles on my right side slipping out of a twisted ballerina. It was the worst pain I ever have felt in my life, like I was being stabbed in the side. There was popping and grinding sounds too. It was so bad I went to the hospitol but they refused to xray me because I had no health insurance so I still don’t know if anything was broken. I could hardly get out of bed for three weeks 🙁
    And most recently(December) I bashed my foot into my coffee table just doing a simple spin and fractured it, but it healed pretty quick and was just annoying. …word to the wise, move furniture when poling!

  • Desiree Lust

    April 3, 2013 at 8:52 pm

    Was feeling pretty strong in my shoulder mount, (drunken poling lol) then caterpillar-ed up and thought heyyy let’s go for an Ayesha (for the first time)-an epic faceplant/cartwheel down and I ended up breaking my toe 🙁 lol word to the wise: don’t try new tricks, scratch that. Don’t even pole when intoxicated lol

  • glitterhips

    April 3, 2013 at 9:18 pm

    I popped my rib out doing jades wrong!! 🙁 It sucked. It's finally better but it hurt like a bitch anytime I moved for about a week. I also have a super painful pulled hamstring behind my right knee, I am a mess. And I have a competition coming up!

  • glitterhips

    April 3, 2013 at 9:18 pm

    I popped my rib out doing jades wrong!! 🙁 It sucked. It's finally better but it hurt like a bitch anytime I moved for about a week. I also have a super painful pulled hamstring behind my right knee, I am a mess. And I have a competition coming up!

  • JenLFG

    April 3, 2013 at 9:55 pm

    I broke my middle toe the first time I tried to dismount from a Gemini & I have hurt my rib a few times from jade… Thank god that’s the worst of it for me 🙂

  • HellOnHeelsNH

    April 4, 2013 at 12:57 am

    Messing around being a show off i tried to do a headstand Against a flagpole that was wood….yea the bottom was rotted at the ground and it started to fall…my boyfriend trying to save me caught it and broke his hand and wrist 🙁

  • dustbunny

    April 4, 2013 at 11:16 am

    First time I tried butterfly on spin. No mats as I considered it mastered, at least on static. Stupid Newton and his laws, he pulled my hands right off the pole and I fell straight down, tucked my head and landed on my shoulder. Hurt like hell but nothing was damaged except my pride.

  • Saphyre

    April 4, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    Fell out of CAR (this seems to be a popular one) and landed on my shoulder. Just sore for a few days.

    Fell when attempting Scorpio handstand, in heels. No injury.

    Rug burn on my knuckle falling out of Superman attempt. Lucky I didn't break my finger.

    Severe strain of Erector Spinae and Quadratus Lumborus after Allegra (another popular one). 8 weeks of healing.

    Tore extensors and flexors (in forearm) when first learning spins. Body spun, but hand was overgripping and didn't move. Thought I broke my arm!

  • CreativityBySteffie

    April 5, 2013 at 2:14 am

    I've only had one accident. (funny enough, it happenede during the only time, I went against all safety rules) The first time I did my SM. It was at my party at my house. I was wearing full clothes, not warmin up and I'd had one drink. I was so eager, that I forgot I shouldnt place the pole on the left side of my neck, because of a beauty mark. I did the SM for the first time, and I was on top of the world so it wasnt untill someone shouted "there's blood all over your shirt!!!" I looked, and I saw it. Blood was everywhere, because the pressure of the pole, had ripped my beautymark to pieces! Needless to say, almost everyone attending my party, were doctors, who all wanted to see,if it was cancer.. It was POLE .. 😀 But Im never doing it, on that side again!

  • zoeyxxxx

    April 5, 2013 at 3:35 am

    im rather lucky. i only had one near fsll from a catetpillor. i just slipped n managed to regrip before face went into floor. scsred me for months only got it bl thos week. i came across the aryivle of the girl who fell out of CAR n that has scared me. i no longer do this trick as i think its the easiest to fall from. plus i have never felt 100% safe in it so i chose for my safty to leave it be n live to pole more years. if i ever want to get into it i do it from handstand. i feel the top of my legs sre just not big enough to give me a secure hold. i acturly think this is a very dangerouse trick for me so my safty will come first. i can do this trick n have lots but i have never felt confident in it xxx

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