Forums Discussions Pole Dancing Doll

  • MythVermont

    September 9, 2009 at 4:42 am

    Wow. Ok, if this is really a toy out there I have a couple of issues with it, but these are the same issues that I have with Guitar Hero! I have no problem with a young person wanting to learn to pole dance, or learn to play the guitar. BUT that involves practice, physical excursion, disappointment and a REAL learning process. My issue with toys like these is that they are based completely in the play/fantasy realm, and I’m not sure what the objective is. I do realize that play is necessary for any person (not just kids!) but when does the marketing of "play" become the real issue?

    I don’t have kids, but if my daughter wanted to buy this I’d say "Honey, it’s only another $200 for your OWN X-Pole!"

    Besides, my mom still thinks I want to be a stripper for buying a pole, and my next question is, who the hell in Middle America would buy this for their daughter? If it doesn’t play in Peoria….

  • Meleania

    September 9, 2009 at 4:51 am

    id skip the doll and buy my daughter her own pole, with classes to boot. or I could just teach her ^.^ I dont have kids though

  • MythVermont

    September 9, 2009 at 5:19 am

    Love it! Just found this response on the original website for the article under "responses"

    7:32:56 PM
    Sep 8, 2009

    Pole-Dancing doll bad…..G.I. Joe good. how messed up is that? it’s ok to buy/sell dolls that represent war, genocide, and murder but not pole dancing?????? that’s not right. shame on you america if you don’t sell me a pole-dance doll…!!!!

    Read more:

  • Trena

    September 14, 2009 at 4:34 pm

    I doubt that this doll is really aimed at children (I HOPE!) I think its probably more aimed towards guys. For them to put it on their desk at work or in a basement bar or something…

  • SissyBuns

    September 14, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    Wow. Ok, if this is really a toy out there I have a couple of issues with it, but these are the same issues that I have with Guitar Hero! I have no problem with a young person wanting to learn to pole dance, or learn to play the guitar. BUT that involves practice, physical excursion, disappointment and a REAL learning process. My issue with toys like these is that they are based completely in the play/fantasy realm, and I’m not sure what the objective is. I do realize that play is necessary for any person (not just kids!) but when does the marketing of "play" become the real issue?

    I don’t have kids, but if my daughter wanted to buy this I’d say "Honey, it’s only another $200 for your OWN X-Pole!"

    Besides, my mom still thinks I want to be a stripper for buying a pole, and my next question is, who the hell in Middle America would buy this for their daughter? If it doesn’t play in Peoria….

    Hey What’s wrong with Guitar Hero? I love that game!

    As far as the doll is concerned I do have kids. 2 of them are little girls (13 and 7). My 13 year old is past the doll stage and has absolutely no interest in really trying to pole because she is allergic to physical activity

    My 7 year old loves the pole however. She is a gymnast and very physical anyway. She can do a reverse grab, climb, invert, thigh holds and a bucket fulll of spins (some of which I can’t even do). She understands pole as a workout and if she wanted the doll I’d let her get it because I wouldn’t be worried she would just be having little miniature stripping sessions with it. LOL. I think the fear is that most kids aren’t exposed to artistic pole dance so what on earth would they want a doll with a pole for?

    To try and recreate something they may have seen on TV or in a movie?

  • rubberstarlet

    September 14, 2009 at 5:26 pm

    this real? haha i saw it on a joke website a few months ago O-o thought it was a gag haha

  • Layla Duvay

    September 15, 2009 at 9:40 am

    I found this on my favourite magazine’s website:

    Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

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