Forums Discussions PS Brass

  • Charley

    October 20, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    I haven’t been on a PS perm brass but we have perm brass poles at the studio – if you are ordering a 1 piece pole with PS you should be fine, the problems are with their multi piece poles. So I say go for it and enjoy your new pole *and make vids!

  • Jenn

    October 20, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    I have a removeable one-piece PS brass pole, and it is my favorite pole! I have grip issues and the brass seems to work well with my skin. It’s super sturdy and the spin-mode is very smooth. It’s super easy to set up and take down, and a simple pin allows me to switch to/from spin mode without having to drag out a tool kit. I do have to polish it every so often, but that is not a big deal and only takes a few minutes. The only downside to it is that my hands smell like a penny after practices.

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