Forums Discussions PLEASE HELP!! Possible Fraud at Expo! Anyone remember the location of Phat Buddha’s stand? I need to know!

  • Veena

    September 15, 2014 at 1:09 pm

    I agree that her reply to you chem was overly emotional and that’s always disappointing to see here, but I don’t think that she was accusing the vender of anything, at least not from what I read. I do misread things often so I may have missed something.

  • Webmaster

    September 15, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    I would like to make a more general statement regarding customer service in emerging industries such as pole dance.

    At StudioVeena.Com we make ourselves available at any time of day. With the exception of a few hours when we are sleeping I respond to concerns over technical and billing issues as quickly as possible, usually within minutes. Veena responds to questions about her lessons in much the same way. We do this on weekdays, weekends and holidays. Our members our our living and we try and treat you all with the respect and care that entails.

    Why do we see so many issues like this that are so easily avoided. Phat Buddha could have avoided this issue entirely by using a Square or PayPal Here device. If they didn’t do that they could still delight their customers by responding immediately to customer concerns even on weekends.

    If any of you are thinking about starting a business, please, please, please account for your customers. Your customers are your business and treating them like just another $40 will kill your business quicker than anything else you can do.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 15, 2014 at 3:13 pm

    Actually i wasn’t bad mouthing any person or the business. You misread my intention. I was trying to reason in my head why they would make a huge mistake like that and it was true, the lady needed help and didn’t know what she was doing. I was standing right there! I wasn’t saying what you think Chem..Re-read my post. Sorry if I came across as over emotional or rude but I still stand by what i said. I have nothing against you chem or anyone else, just don’t like it when people tell me what i should and shouldn’t be posting. This was an issue i was trying to get help for, not just coming on to rant. Yes my language can be harsh sometimes but I was mad and I still am! It is nothing personal against anybody, I just don’t think you or anyone else knows what is best for me and how I should handle situations. I wasn’t posting anything inappropriate besides maybe a few choice words.. but I was trying to be as professional as i could considering my emotional state at the time. Like everyone else is perfect? I generally like what you post, but sometimes not. This..not so much. It was not helpful to me because it had nothing to do with my actual questions and I felt you just posted to say I was in the wrong for posting this. Sorry if i came across as rude or a smart ass, sometimes those filters are hard to employ when you are upset.

    Nothing in my original post was rude to anyone. I didn’t name anyone except the company and I wasn’t bad mouthing any person or them. Just trying to figure it out. I did update as well before you posted your response and in my original post, i mentioned what my bank said so that right there was a clue that i had already contacted my bank so that didn’t need to be said. I took your response as you just saying something that sounded helpful just so you can say what i shouldn’t be posting. That is rude to me. Sorry if my perception was wrong but so was yours… I will update again when they contact me. I have yet to hear from them..I sent them 2 messages and one voicemail. You would think they would have contacted me back given the nature of the situation. It has almost been a full business day for the east coast (where they are at) but still nothing..Bad customer service in my book.

  • CrazyKosters

    September 16, 2014 at 2:35 pm

    So to update again. I just got contacted by someone from phat buddha and they called on their personal phone. They said to send them a picture of the receipt and my cc info so they can reverse the charge. I had canceled my card when I originally contacted my bank to be on the safe side. I asked if they could do this and work with my bank and they said no they can’t contact my bank and do that…I had to text this girl my info on her personal phone. She said she would delete it asap and it would be safe because “they do this all the time” ….Huh? lol. If I hadn’t canceled my info already I would have been hesitant. Why wouldn’t they do this with my bank? Needless to say, i hope they properly reverse the charge and I will only use cash at expo next year..

  • Lyme Lyte

    September 16, 2014 at 2:43 pm

    Damn…that sucks. Hope they get u taken care of.

  • Webmaster

    September 16, 2014 at 2:47 pm

    Sorry to hear your going through this CrazyKosters, thats totally unprofessional.

  • Phoenix Hunter

    September 16, 2014 at 2:48 pm

    yeah, that’ a really crappy and unsafe way for them to do business. that sucks.

  • Veena

    September 16, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    Ummm not cool

  • WebJunk

    September 16, 2014 at 3:29 pm

    For normal credit card processing through a bank: To issue a refund, it must be done through the same credit card. If they do not have a record of your credit card or ability to electronically retrieve the sale they will in fact need your credit card number. The credit needs to go from their bank through the credit card system (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, etc.) to your bank that issued your credit card. Yes they can issue a refund even though you had the credit card cancelled.

    The agreement I used to have with my bank (Wachovia/Wells Fargo) for CC processing required all sales & Credits/refunds done through them. Any violation of that and they would drop me.

    Having said that, I think they should have responded immediately. Further, after a large event like Pole Expo they should have been checking messages constantly every day for all issues. It also worries me that they asked for photos of your receipt and credit card info. They should have copies of all sales & receipts and only needed a receipt number or day & time. The credit card number they should have asked for verbally. Some small businesses do not know how to properly handle customer service and this appears to be an example of that. Hope it gets worked out to your satisfaction in the end.

  • Lina Spiralyne

    September 16, 2014 at 4:12 pm

    Amazingly crappy. I just hope you’ll soon have your money back.

  • chemgoddess1

    September 16, 2014 at 4:19 pm

    So just out of curiosity, was this actually Phat Buddha or one of their “ambassadors”? It looks like they are a fairly large company so to have personal phone numbers being used for business seems a little sketch to me.

  • chemgoddess1

    September 16, 2014 at 4:20 pm

    And the reason I ask is that it is was one of their ambassadors, then the parent company NEEDS to know about this situation.

  • Anonyma

    September 16, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    If you cancelled your credit card…. i doubt they will be able to refund the money on it 🙁

    I hope everything will be solved for you, this is very horrible, how come cant you speak with the owner themselves?

  • CrazyKosters

    September 16, 2014 at 6:23 pm

    It was Phat Buddha as far as I know. The number I called when I found out was the number on their main website. The girl i spoke with said that they had asked her to handle it because she was one of the girls at the stands..I think the whole thing seems sketchy to me. She texted me a little bit ago and said they had refunded $360 but I checked my bank and nothing is in process yet..I will call them back and my bank first tomorrow to see what is going on. They should have been able to deal with my bank and I should have been able to talk to the business itself, not through an employees personal cell. I wouldn’t have given her my info if i hadn’t already cancelled it. I am calling the bank tomorrow to see whats going on and if the refund will go through since it was cancelled. I asked her that too if it would and she said it should because it is through the bank? Idk… If it doesn’t go through, i will ask to speak with someone in charge. So frustrating lol!

  • AllysonKendal

    September 16, 2014 at 7:30 pm

    What a mess!

    If it makes you feel better I have had money refunded to a canceled card before. After the whole Target debacle my bank canceled my card and issued a new one for safe measure…

    Then I needed to return a few things that I bought before I knew they were canceling the card (a pair or jeans and a hair straightener). Neither store had issues refunding it without that card being active… And the money was successfully refunded.

    It can be done! And I’m sure it will be done… But yeah, what I giant pain in the butt.

    And yes, the texting cellphone stuff is bizarre

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