Forums Discussions News on my kitty!

  • News on my kitty!

    Posted by Christie_22 on July 18, 2009 at 7:17 pm

    To those who don’t know what happened yesterday..I have a 5 month old cat..I love this little one like i admire the love for my pole. We’ll i got home from work about 3, and at 7 she wasn’t acting right she was running in circles, meow w/ a low tone, she wouldn’t even come to me..My reaction to all of this was that im gonna lose my best friend..I went into chat and got support and even some suggestions. Thank you all for your help and for eyes to read! She made it through the night and is acting like herself again. But i still need to take her im because she is sneezing…Again thanks guys you don’t know how much your kind words mean to me!

    Trena replied 15 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies

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