Forums Discussions Mighty Grip have made gloves!!!! Whoop!!!

  • poledanceromance

    October 1, 2009 at 7:59 pm

    OH my GOD! I want em!!! I have sweaty pig hands!

  • loopielou

    October 2, 2009 at 7:54 am

    Should have mine by the end of next week so will report back – they even come in pretty colours! And they have anklets, but I can’t work out if they’re sticky as well

  • poledanceromance

    October 2, 2009 at 6:19 pm

    Sticky anklets? Hrm….why do I find I am I a little less excited about that than the gloves I’m just imagining trying to do a back hook, my ankle getting stuck, and hilarity following.

  • loopielou

    October 6, 2009 at 1:32 pm

    I got the gloves yesterday. They are like fingerless gloves with PVC type material on the palms. They are definitely grippy, but you need to get them so they are tight otherwise when you invert, your hand can move inside the glove whilst the glove stays still on the pole!

    They seemed to do the trick though and for about a tenner, I don’t think that’s too much money to give them a try. I’m definitely going to use them to get the hang of new inverts so that I am confident in my grip whilst trying to get the technique right.

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