Forums Discussions Little dancers

  • untamedshrew

    June 9, 2009 at 5:33 pm


    The only way to end the stigma against pole dancing is to educate people. Perhaps you could show some of your daughter’s friends (the open minded ones) the non sexy side of poling, ie the impressive tricks and gracefullness. I’ve shown those kinds of videos to coworkers and most have stopped blushing when I talk about my pole, though many roll their eyes.

  • SissyBuns

    June 9, 2009 at 6:05 pm


    The only way to end the stigma against pole dancing is to educate people. Perhaps you could show some of your daughter’s friends (the open minded ones) the non sexy side of poling, ie the impressive tricks and gracefullness. I’ve shown those kinds of videos to coworkers and most have stopped blushing when I talk about my pole, though many roll their eyes.

    I’d gladly educate her friends but I don’t think it’s my place to expose other peoples children to pole fitness because of the stigma that comes with it. The last thing I want is for some parent to call me bitching because I was swinging on a pole in front of their young impressionable daughter LOL.

    I think I’ll hold off on that unless it’s parents that I’ve met and that I don’t think would object

  • Veena

    June 9, 2009 at 7:02 pm

    This is such a tough one for someone with older kids. My 4 are all still under the age of 8 so all of their friends are too. I have one of my poles set up in our living room and its the first thing people see when they walk in the door. Its not my intention to have it so "in your face" but that is where it fits best in our home. Our neighbors kids have all been in our house and even played on the pole, their parents don’t care. I was very worried about them seeing it because even though we are in CA, my area is not totally cool with the "anything goes" mentality people think CA is know for. I’m pretty sure one dad is still trying to figure out if I was or still am a "stripper". I say stripper because I do on occasion think of myself as an exotic dancer. stripper I am not!

    I do think its important to be who you are, and if you like to dance on a pole, well then trying to hide it is a disservice to yourself and who you really are. I feel like if we hide it in our bedrooms or where ever, then it seems like it is a deviant thing to do. Like that sex dungeon we all have hidden behind a trap door in our basements… JUST KIDDING. I don’t think we should go around showing our older children’s friends pole moves, just like I would go hop on my weight bench and start showing them weight training techniques when they see that big weight rack and ask about it. I tell them what I use it for and thats that. But the more people who choose to talk about pole the better. If kids are giving other kids a hard time about it they could show them some vids of pole that are non sexual….but I’m guessing they may have already seen plenty of "sexy" pole vids on You Tube already, so I don’t know that showing them vids would be helpful. I tell everyone, my pole is just a piece of exercise equipment and its a great why to express myself. Porno’s are made with video cameras….does that mean everyone with a video cam is a porn maker? I love to dance sexy but its annoying that everyone thinks your kinking if you have a dance pole.

    I’m just glad my kids aren’t that old yet, I will cross that bridge when I get there. So at this point I pole dance and I’m proud of it!

  • PoleSkivvies

    June 9, 2009 at 7:39 pm

    I’m never one for using kids to further my own crusade. So I would hesitate to try to use my stepkid and her friends as an opportunity to explain about pole and pole fitness. Rather, I’d go with her comfort level, my comfort level, and the tone in the community. It’s one thing for me to take on any hassles; it’s another to put a kid in the middle of it.

    Which is to say that I think I’d take the pole down if her friends were coming over, or move it to another location, and just explain that, while pole is a perfectly great thing to do, the sport is still misunderstood. If the kids are old enough to understand, I’d explain the situation exactly – that it has sexual overtones relating to strip clubs and that people judge it harshly as a result.

    Then again, her mom loves that I pole and all the neighbors here are used to the idea, so I would likely leave it up and just call it a climbing pole or vertical monkey bars.

    It is tricky, though, isn’t it? It’s such a weird Scarlet Letter feeling …

  • Foxy_Rei

    June 9, 2009 at 7:50 pm

    LOL Veena! Sex dungeon… sounds like fun to me

    Most of my friends know about the pole but I’m not sure about my family… my dad and uncle just added me on Facebook yesterday, where my default pic right now is me doing a butterfly… Oh boy.

    I’m sure I’ve told this story somewhere, but when my pole was delivered it went to my mom’s house next door. I’m in a hayfield behind her house and at the time, delivery trucks couldn’t get here. My mom got home early that day, about half an hour before the truck pulled in. This was my 2nd pole and she knew about the first one but refused to talk about it. I got there just as she was helping the guy take it off the truck. He told my mom he thought it was some kind of "swing" (as in, *wink wink* swing). So now my mom thought we had a pole now we had a "swing", too! She proceeded to tell me I was going to be a bad influence on our daughter because we’re going to have a bedroom full of kinky sex toys and props. She was just as disgusted when I told her it was a new pole… she didn’t understand why I "wasted my money" on buying another (or either one of them ,really).

    I tried to take the opportunity to show her some videos on YouTube but she reacted like the videos would put some strange "sex" virus on her computer, and so did my sister (the one with a ton of piercings, is a big party girl, etc. and who I thought would be more open-minded…). I ended up storming out the door as soon as my husband came up the driveway to help me carry it home. My mom still won’t talk to me about it.

    My daughter is only 19 months old so the challenge that Sissy is facing hasn’t presented itself yet. Right now the challenge is my husband, because when she runs up to the pole and doesn’t the "run around spin" he gets all uncomfortable because our little toddler is playing on a stripper pole. He’s aware that he’s being a little stupid about it, so he’ll get there one of these days.

    But Sissy it sounds like you’re doing the right thing for now. Just feel them all out maybe, and perhaps you’ll get your chance to prove yourself (and poling) in the future anyway.

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