Forums Discussions How many times a week would you have to do pole to lose weight?

  • DulceDivine

    August 6, 2013 at 1:32 pm

    I started pole dancing about a year and a half ago and have pretty much stayed at the same weight, however there is a HUGE difference I noticed in how my body looks now compared to when I started. I recently rewatched a video from my very first pole class and compared it to where I'm at now and the difference is pretty amazing. I have muscles that I never had before and feel SO much better about myself.

    I finally joined a gym to help me get more tone and start focusing on getting my body fat percentage down to 15% (currently at 30% :() and trying to eat cleaner and cut soda out of my diet. Someone told me about the Myfitnesspal app and I started using that too, not so much to "count calories" but I found that when I hold myself accountable to writing down everything that I'm eating, it makes me rethink eating junk foods. 🙂

  • Quirkygrl16

    August 6, 2013 at 3:16 pm

    DulceDivine: I totally want that. I don't care so much about the weight as being toned. If I can lose 20 pounds too,that'd be awesome. I use a calorie counting app, and i'm trying soo hard to cut my soda intake. Down to one a day now instead of 2-4. 😀

  • Scarlett Honey aka Lola Grace

    August 6, 2013 at 6:34 pm

    I think intensity matters more than the amount of time you do it for. If you train on the pole fast and furiously and really push yourself until your muscles are sore and you are out of breath, that will get you faster results than if you train with a lot of breaks and with minimal effort. 

    To get a cardio workout while poling, I like to freestyle to a song, have a few minutes break, then dance to another, and so on, until im really buggered or too sweaty to do any more (usually 4-6 songs). You have to constantly be moving and dancing, no quitting mid-song! You can do a mix of floorwork and on the pole tricks, but you have to keep moving from start to finish. I find this always gets my heart pumping and makes me feel like I've really pushed my endurance by the end. Plus, you get to film videos of you dancing at the same time that you can later upload onto veena or just watch to learn from! 🙂 Good luck xox

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