Forums Discussions Hey ho from the UK!

  • Hey ho from the UK!

    Posted by BPKitty on August 30, 2009 at 7:21 am

    Hello, good to meet everyone!

    Have been directed through after someone informed me one of my vids had been used on here, so good to meet everyone. Lots of familiar names on here and Im looking forward to having a good look through some of the threads when I get chance. I dont get much chance to come on its a busy time at the min all the main pole comps are running here at the min and Ive a lot on at uni . I do confess to being a bit of a Facebook addict lol so I am around but apologise in advance if I ever appear ignorant

    In December I’ll have been on the pole for nearly 2 years, Im a self confessed addict (arent we all) and Im starting to teach aswell now. I will always have a nemesis on the pole which I eventually achieve then a new one takes its place. Ive learned a lot from Youtube and the girls online so looking forward to meeting some of you. Having a few probs at the min as I can post on here but Im not allowed to view vids and havent worked out why yet.

    Speak soon

    funbun replied 15 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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