Height adjuster rod is too annoying! >[
After wandering through some of Veena's lessons.. I looked at her pole.. and then I looked at mine. I looked at the bottom of hers, then the bottom of mine. The adjuster threads are on the bottom and all they gave me to cover it with it a foam thingy 😐 I mean.. can I grab onto that when I advance later on into moves? I have a 50mm chrome xpole sport and I love it but man, it's hard to want to sexyslide down my pole when I'm basically running out of it :/ Not to mention, I'm horribly afraid I'm going to break a toe or something one day smacking into it ><
One idea… my ceiling is low enough that I dont need any extensions but.. maybe I could try just lowering as safely far down as possible and just use the extensions I need to hit the ceiling? How far can I lower it? It goes all the way down? I'm afraid to take it apart sometimes out of fear I'll put it back wrong haha. Thankss<3
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