Forums Discussions Heels or no?

  • Heels or no?

    Posted by coolchange on June 26, 2010 at 6:46 pm

    Hello..just wondering what most of the others do? I see videos some working out in heels and some without. Any advantage? Does it help with balance and maybe work different muscles if you alternate? I’m mostly bare feet and getting my inverts and crucifix down now. Pecking away at the rest day by day.

    And I’ve come up with the most hilarious way to roll my ottoman up to the pole and get into the superman and kick the ottoman out from under myself for a few seconds to at least get those muscles used to what’s coming. I hope a video of that never surfaces! I look like a dumb*** ha ha. At least I’m only probably 20" from the ground.

    Love the site Veena..I have watched so many of the videos and learned so much!! And thanks to all of you that post vids..hugely inspirational to this over 40 chick!


    anngiern replied 13 years, 11 months ago 8 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • minicoopergrl

    June 27, 2010 at 2:57 am

    its really a personal preference. I like to wear the heels but if the song really doesnt call for it then all go barefoot. The thing with the shoes is you’ll get a better workout in your legs in them. Besides who doesnt want to parade around in 6 inch heels???

  • coolchange

    June 27, 2010 at 4:14 am

    Well good..that will give me an excuse to buy some 6" heels. Cause I read it on the forum

  • Mary Ellyn

    June 27, 2010 at 8:39 pm

    I never let students, nor do I myself, learn new tricks in heels. You are much more steady on your own feet and the chance of wobbling on that heel when you come down from a new move you are still not very skilled at is too great to risk the injury. I suggest learn the move then put the heels on.

  • Veena

    June 28, 2010 at 12:51 am

    lol Looks like you have found a new use for the ottoman! I like to dance in both heels and barefoot. For me it depends on the song I’m using. Empy is right about not using heels when your just learning tricks, you risk twisting an ankle or worse. Once you are comfortable with your moves you might find that adding heels will make tricks like inverting more difficult. Practicing inverting by standing on your tippy toes can help prepare you for inverting in heels.

  • Jenn

    June 28, 2010 at 4:02 am

    Wearing shoes adds some weight so practicing some moves in them will help make you stronger, ie leg lifts, shoulder mounts chopper, etc.

  • Voodoochild

    June 28, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    I’m more of a barefoot kinda girl. I feel much more sexy when im barefoot and can actually point my toes. Dont get me wrong though, I love my heels and I do wear them when I need to but I’d just prefer to be grounded. Putting on the heels changes a lot of tricks for me, I find it harder to do some spins but its easier to climb…win some ya lose some lol

    When I teach class we pretty much do everything on our tippy toes (no heels allowed for beginners). It strengthens your calfs/quads/hammies/glutes AND your ankles which is really important for when you do put heels on so you don’t roll your ankles. My ankles are pretty much made of jello (I was in competitive cheerleading for 8 years and rolled each ankle at least 10 times) but I still haven’t rolled my ankles in my heels because my ankles are much stronger now. So its totally personal preference but make sure your prepared before you dive right into those 6 inchers

    Love and Light

  • PoleDanceABCs

    July 30, 2010 at 2:27 pm

    I don’t… I think it is more important to walk on the balls of your feet (rather than your heels) so you can properly dance and pivot. It is all personal preference though. I’d say in the beginning it is better without. All those myths about "you get stronger calves" is BS so wear them because you want to, you know?

  • anngiern

    July 30, 2010 at 5:10 pm

    i love heels! i do dance barefoot sometimes but i mostly wear heels. i am short (only 5’1) so i love being 5’6!!! and i like the way my body looks in heels. puts a different look on my body. and i love that shoes show individual style.

    but when you are learning new tricks…as everyone said definitely learn without so you can focus on what your body is supposed to be doing. you dont want to come down wrong and hurt your back or jab yourself on your lower legs b/c of foot placement.

    my only suggestion is that you dont have to start with 8" heels!! i really try to encourage students if they are not used to walking in heels start with 4" and work your way up. also getting a more square heel and working your way up to a more narrow heel is a good progression. it took me over a year before i could wear 6" heels.
    also if you really like the 6" and 7" inch a floorwork routine with them to get your heel "fix". shoes look great with floorwork and is a great way to wear hot shoes but you dont have to get up and walk. plus if the shoe has a platform it pretty much like doing ab work with weighted ankles.

    and some ankle strengthening exercises(done barefoot):
    **write the alphabet with each foot!
    **alternate tip toe walking and heel walking
    **balancing on one foot(ex..keep your right leg straight and then bend the left leg and use wall to help balance..eventually try to challenge yourself to be able to balance with the assistance of the wall**

    hope that helps

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