Forums Discussions Greetings from Portugal!!!

  • Greetings from Portugal!!!

    Posted by FridaSiren on February 21, 2009 at 8:58 am

    Hi everyone!
    Almost a year ago I started pole dancing. The teacher is an amazing dancer but wasn´t very good at teaching (I´m a dance teacher myself so I know what to look for) and everyone else kept giving up so the classes didn´t last very long, but I automaticly saw the possibilities…My first class and I turned into a pole junkie! Ordered an Xpole the first week!
    I was only at it for 3 months, mostly by myself, and had to stop to have surgery for a spine injury (totally unrelated to the pole, in truth those 3 months were the least painful I´ve had in years!) That was 5 months ago, and I´m still in fisio therapy and will be for a while. Have lost almost all my strength in arms and upper back. Of course this is all very dissapointing for me especially because I can´t stop thinking about that pole! dreaming, daydreaming…It´s driving me loony!
    So I found this great site (congrats Veena!) and have been browsing through the forum for the last couple of weeks trying to decide if I should actually participate. I feel kind of silly because I can´t even pole now but you all seem so kind and supportive and fun! Anyway,I want to be part of this, feel close to the pole even though I can´t be on the pole!…(Yeah! I´m a basket case!)
    Is that ok?

    Best wishes, Frida

    FridaSiren replied 15 years, 12 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Poledancefan

    February 21, 2009 at 9:12 am

    Welcome to Studio Veena, Frida! Seja Bem-vindo no foro do poledance Studio Veena!


  • PoleSkivvies

    February 21, 2009 at 2:05 pm

    Welcome to the forum! I’d be doing the same thing if I was off pole for awhile – I’d be chatting all over the forums. Keep your spirits up – you’ll be back on the pole soon!


  • Veena

    February 21, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    No worries if you can’t use you pole yet!! We still love that your here

  • Trena

    February 21, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    Hi Fridasiren and welcome!!
    You are not a basket case!!!! When I joined StudioVeena I wasnt able to use my pole either. My ceiling had been damaged by a leak and I couldnt use the pole. I found the site really good because I felt ‘in the loop’ still.
    And when you can eventually use your pole again the people on this site will be more than willing to give you hints and tips on the approach to take!
    Great to have you here!

  • branquinha

    February 22, 2009 at 1:45 am

    I know what this longing for a pole means!
    I started pole exercising in 2004, but I didn’t have a pole, I just went to classes once a week. Then I got pneumonia and was off exercises for a while, but almost a year after I had started, I got myself a pole. The fun did not last long – I was living in England and moved to Brazil, carrying the pole. After about 5 months I was back to England but my pole stayed in Brazil. More than 2 years without a pole and now I am back to Brazil and getting slowly back into the swing of things and have joined the forum… but I know well what it is to be an expectator only…
    Anyway, greetings from Brazil!

  • pole-twista

    February 22, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    Welcome always nice to see a new member stopping in to say hi maybe will see you in chat some night

  • FridaSiren

    February 22, 2009 at 8:48 pm

    Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome! Feel much better now that
    i´m not a total weirdo! looking forward to participating alot in this forum. Would love to do the chat thing but I´m sooooo slow at the keyboard that I can never keep up! Maybe I could just sit in and listen…

    bye the way, great new look for the site!

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