Forums Discussions Fear of going Upside down

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    November 4, 2011 at 5:53 pm

    Do it backwards. I think Veena has a good lesson. Put some cushion down on the florr and do the coming up part. Once you are secure in the coming up…you will know that you can do it on the pole. Have someone spot you the first few times to help build your confidence…Remember to tell your spotter heads and hips… When you come up, grab the pole underneath you to help give you a little more push up. I think most people are scared of that because they stop comeing up for a second and that hesitation is what scares them.. The fall back and the coming up at the bottom. Put a little dry hands on the pole to help you stick if you sweat a little at first.

  • Dancing Paws

    November 4, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    I don't know much about spotting, so what do you mean by "heads and hips."

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    November 4, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    protect the head. and give yourself a good anchor to keep their hips from sliding down. Example. If you are inverted and someone starts to slid…they are landing on their head. keep them from sliding and keep their head off of the floor, So spot the exercise by figuring out how to make sure if they slide how to get them into a safe position. It's harder to type and easier to show.

    cliff notes…if they are going down,,,make sure their head is the last thing to land..push them back on the pole or peel them off to the side..


  • pegasusaerialfitness

    November 4, 2011 at 7:11 pm

    PS..relative to this blog.

    go into a standing Lunge with your thigh under where their hips are.

    Place one hand in postion of back of head, other hand on upper back.

    Then you can stop the hips from sliding any farther than your thigh and you can push them back upto the pole. Make sure your support the head and upper back in a way that they dont get whip lash.

  • Dancing Paws

    November 4, 2011 at 7:56 pm

    Any videos of this? It would be great if I could show my fiancee what he could do to spot me.

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    November 5, 2011 at 10:15 am

    I will send you one…but give me a few days

  • Miraine

    November 5, 2011 at 10:44 am

    Regarding the original post: I personally have no fear of going upside down when I feel in control, but utterly freak out when I don't.  I mean like, serious panic attack screaming digging my nails into anything nearby type stuff…   Drew blood on my bf once when he randomly decided to pick me up high and let my head go slightly below my hips.  Silly boy.

    I feel pressure in my head very strongly when I'm upside down, and it's not to do with holding breath, though it is worse if I'm having to tense to hold the position (mild pressure if I'm lying relaxed, head-going-to-explode pressure if I'm trying to elbowstand).  Perhaps this feeling is part of what triggers the panic.

    And there's the disorientation of having the world the wrong way up   It doesn't look pretty, but you can always practice the CKR (and eventually gemini/scorpio) keeping your head tilted up a tiny bit, just to get to the point where you're more confident that you're secure.  Lean back in CKR but keep your abs tense to curl your spine and keep your head just above horizontal.  Nice workout for the stomach too, hehe.

    Maybe you could try relaxing a bit in an inverted position by lying on your back close to the pole, then propping your legs and hips up against it (shoulder stand kind of thing).  You'll get the head lower than body pressure, but without the disorientation of head tipped back.

    …And I should practice what I preach!  I also need to get my body used to this.

  • Dancing Paws

    November 5, 2011 at 10:47 am

    pegasus – that would be totally rad! Thanks!

  • Laura KittyCat

    November 5, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    Try doing the car backwards from a handstand against the pole ( i find this is actually much harder) and if u canget that solid you should be able to do it the other way. Also, with inverts and the car, keep your eyes looking at your legs or the pole. That may help you feel more comfortable. Also, work on the pencil/ iguana mount position. That way if you feel uncomfortable in the car u can exit usin a pencil grip to get your feet under you. As far as spotting, i find that the hip and shoulders area of the back are great places to help control the body. Remember that in a fall, the worst thing to do is reach out for the ground. U can easily break a wrist doing that. Maybe try to practice some ‘falls’ (not off the pole jiust from the floor) and teach your body how to tuck and roll. Looking at your stomach is the best way to get the curvature of your back into a roll position. If you practice propper falling technique, i it does happen while youre in the air your muscle memory will know how to react without thinking. Hope this helps! Good luck!

  • Runemist34

    November 5, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    Hey guys! Wow, lots of replies!

    I figure I should mention- I pole in my home, only. I pretty much never have anyone else around (I don't really like poling around the husband for some reason >_> ), so that makes spotting kind of…difficult!

    I have slipped once- my only time feeling brave enough to investigate the CAR. I say "investigate" because I hadn't really looked into the move enough, and didn't know what I was trying to get from the hold, so I just…tried it. Ended up landing on the ground but I was okay! I don't know why, but somehow, falling has been ingrained pretty well. The many, many times I'm sure I've fallen as a kid, plus some karate classes, all works in my favour.

    I'll note, though, that, I am always sure to put down some fluffy pillows now!

    I would love to learn how to do a handstand or an elbow stand, but I'm not really there yet…I suppose I've never really tried!

    I was thinking I'd like to get into the pencil/iguana mount…is that possible for someone of my…er, strength, or lack thereof? I don't really know how much strength it takes!

  • pegasusaerialfitness

    November 5, 2011 at 1:23 pm

    If you try it from the floor you can have your back to the pole and scooch your bum up the pole as high as you can. Make sure you are on a mat so that you dont bruise your upper back. Wrap your legs around the pole and turn your knees medially or inward and squeeze the pole as you lift your body off the floor. Veena has a great lesson on this that I would recomment that you watch so that you can do this safely. If you can't do it from the floor, don't do it up on the pole.

  • Runemist34

    November 5, 2011 at 1:50 pm

    I have actually done that for the CKR!

    I dunno, maybe my fear is mainly around the idea of leaning back, rather than just the upside-down-ness. I can scootch up to the pole so I'm right up on my shoulders, and that's totally fine! My floor is even grippy enough I don't have to worry about slipping (this also makes things difficult when I want to get off! lol).

    I suppose it's just something I have to get used to, this being upside down. I think if I had more things to do when up there (I never know what I can get into from a CKR!), it might get easier. But, I'm working on it!

  • Laura KittyCat

    November 5, 2011 at 1:57 pm

    How comfy are you in the plank? Try moving the bottom had a kittle lower each time and arching your back. This will give you the feeling of leaning back similar to the ckr/car but you still have both hands on the pole.

  • Runemist34

    November 5, 2011 at 2:19 pm

    I've got the basic plank down, and I was experimenting with it and put one hand underneath, and one hand on top…worked really well! I'm working toward taking the bottom hand off.

    I'd not thought of trying to turn that into a CAR…aren't you supposed to have more of your leg touching the pole when you go back? 'Cause at that point, it's just the same amount as if I'm doing a pole sit with my legs out…if that makes sense. Or am I just overthinking it? lol

  • Laura KittyCat

    November 5, 2011 at 5:39 pm

    I didnt mean to do that into the car. I meant that as you lower the bottom hand more you can lean back farther in the plank and it will feel a bit like when u lean back into the car. To help you get more comfortable with the leaning back feeling. (:

    You are correct in that you need to change leg position so more of your thighs contact the pole in the car.

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