Forums Discussions Clunking Xpole

  • Clunking Xpole

    Posted by MrsNaughtywed on September 20, 2010 at 11:56 am

    Last year my 200 pound hubby threw his weight into my pole knocking it off the ceiling a lil. Until we got it down, the xpole was sitting on an angle and not perfectly vertical. As this happened, it also caused a crack in my ceiling. My hubby and I took it down and put it back up. But ever since then, I noticed my pole clunks and has a lot of friction in spinning mode. It doesn’t really make a loud clunking noise, it’s really quiet. As it clunks in spinning it has more friction. I remember how easy it was to spin when I first got my pole but now it’s harder and I slow down faster in spinning. My hubby and I took it down again and took it all apart and put a fresh install but still no changes. We tried loosening it and tightening it but no changes. We do notice when it’s much tighter that the clunking and resistance is more so we leave it a bit looser. We can’t see anything bent in the pole and have no idea why it’s doing this. The only thing we noticed is that when it’s in spinning, we can just barely see a slight wobble with the pole in the base area. It’s a very slight wobble that you have to really pay attention to notice it other wise you won’t notice it. It still works fine but it’s not like how it used to be.

    Has anyone ever had this happen and know a solution?

    BeanieBaby replied 12 years ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Gsylass

    September 21, 2010 at 6:32 pm

    Yes, my first pole did. However I think they sent me a dud pole by mistake, as the toolkit was missing and the two halves didn’t screw together straight either, so they replaced it for me. I would phone XPole up to be honest, and see what they recommend, if nobody here has any advice!

  • Veena

    September 22, 2010 at 11:19 pm

    Sometimes a pole can clunk if its too tight or too slanted. The X pole doesn’t need to be perfectly level. Its meant to adjust to the floor. The important thing is to have the dome flat against the ceiling before you finish tightening the pole. One side of the dome should not be touching the ceiling more then the other. In my home the floors are slanted in places….my x poles are all leaning a bit because of it…if I were to make the pole totally level I might damage my ceiling or pole.

  • BeanieBaby

    May 10, 2012 at 10:45 pm

    my floor is slanted slightly also.  My big fear is that I'll crack the laminate / damage the joints.  So I'm a bit confused about possibly damaging the ceiling if the floor is slanted.


    It never occured to me that it'd be ok for the pole to not be perfectly upright (perpendicular to what should be a level floor).  The idea scares me a little, to tell the truth, but will wholeheartedly trust you on this.  Of course… if the top is to be perfectly flush with the ceiling, then it can't be perfectly flush on the floor if the floor is not level. …… (maybe I'm overthinking this – really don't want to damage the floor, however)

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