Advice about Spin and Static mode?
Hi Guys,
So Im really new here (about a week purchasing lessons but at least 5 months watching!) and I would really appreciate some advice…
So the pole studio that I dance at uses only spining mode, though the first time I tried Pole dancing in sydney it was on static. Now they say they use spin mode cause its easier and looks better, so I have learned everything on spin, though have found my progression to be frustrating…
So I look a few of Veenas lessons and go.."Ill give static a go" and SUDDENLY Ive gone from a beginner to an intermediate in strength! What the!!?? BUT NOW… all the moves I have learnt (Roughly all the beginner lessons technically and about 1/2, maybe more, of intermediate of veenas I learnt at my studio)… are really hard to do… my grip is insane and I cant get my self spining around, and I now know what "pole burn" is…
Anyway… So there is a question in here…LOL…So I really want to know where to go from here. I have a pole at home and I am… well, pretty dedicated and really want to progress as fast as possible and Im pretty obsessed with getting good at pole (only been doing it for about 9 weeks officially).. but i dont know if I should stick to spinning as it has increased my strength without me knowing it…but the progression feels SOOO much slower and is so frustrating, or should I concentrate on Static and try to "re-learn" all the moves on static, as well as build up more strength?… I really dont know…
What do the professionals use in competitions? What is reccomended? What is best for the body? I understand I should learn both… but i just dont know if I should swap over, or just try to do both in every session?
Any advice, hints, tips, article references, advice from Veena (if you happen to see this post V https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_e_biggrin.gif ) advice on the future, comps, training, etc… WOULD BE SOOO APPRECIATED…
You would think I would ask my pole teachers at the studio? Yes… but they unfortunatly they dont know much… they are good at what they do and thats about it. Its a small studio.Ok, I think im done, Thank you all in advance!!
Mrs Boheme https://www.studioveena.com/img/smilies/icon_thumleft.gif
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