Forums Discussions 19 months into my pole journey and I want to go back to basics…

  • 19 months into my pole journey and I want to go back to basics…

    Posted by ShonaLancs on March 20, 2013 at 6:17 pm

    Hey Veeners….

    I decided when I purchased Veenas lessons that I was going to go back to basics on my left (weak) side, but after doing the basic warm up last night and struggling to do the shoulder slide, and make the sexy squat and the pole kick look remotely decent on my good side I think I need to go back to basics and start again on both sides…

    Obviously after 19 months of poling I have strength and even stopped 'inverting' for a while to go back and learn proper tchnique (no jumping, all lifting) last year. I am happy that I did that and know I will be happy once I have gone back to basics and practice pole all round so to speak…..BUT…I cant help being a little miffed that I 'need' to go back to basics…

    So, can anyone offer their own tales of 'going back' that might motivate me that little bit more….?

    I plan on starting the 30 day program this weekend…


    Msmeliciously replied 11 years, 2 months ago 9 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Paula Floyd

    March 20, 2013 at 6:30 pm

    hey !

    i am going to be doing the same thing, istarted learning pole threw youtube and it wasnt realy a focus of working bouth sides, i figure skated for 12 years and you dont do tricks on bouth sides, so i didnt even think to do it for pole! now i am very behind on my bad side :S but i know its needed. i was planning on starting right from the beginer moves in the lessons as well to get cought back up! 


    wishing you luck as well as my self !


  • Maria-Elena Kadala

    March 20, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    I've had to start over so many times, because of injuries & illness.  This last time, starting last summer, I realized much of my technique was poor, so I committed to learning things with correct technique, and on both sides.  It does feel discouraging at times, but I know it's best for me in the long run.

    I started going to the Pole 1 classes again last fall because there were new students in my age group — five women over 50!  I still go to the occasional Pole 1 class if it falls between other classes I want to take, just to improve the fundamentals, and develop the finer points (the insturctors are stricter with me about pointed toes, keeping my shoulders back, all those bad habits!)

    Each time I've had a setback, pole is the most fun way to measure my recovery! so I'm just grateful for what my body can do, instead of wasting energy on frustration.


  • cupcakejenea

    March 20, 2013 at 11:19 pm

    im starting over myself,but its been 5 years since ive poled..its very frustraing to me as i got a new pole that i have to break in..i have nearly no upper,lower body strength but yet my mind still wants to do the same tricks andmy body is like hello no..but i refuse to give up..thats why i came to this website..for a little support and support others with there set backs/and re-learning! got this girl! 🙂

  • ronia

    March 21, 2013 at 6:19 am

    I think there's no shame in starting over and lots of us do this. I had been going to classes for a year but when I got my own pole I decided to learn things on my own from the beginning. It makes sense since the basics are in my opinion the most important. It does not matter how many times you repeat them. And repetition is the essence of learning anthing. I think it also has to do with the fact that in the beginning we are usually impatient to learn new things and make fast progress but there are some things you can't and shouldn't rush. I also don't like it when studios teach too many new tricks at once without repeating the old ones and not allowing for some things to sink in. Often after 2 years of learing you realize that you need to go back to basics because you know how to do an aysha but you don't know how to do simple transitions like a pirouette and therefore cannot put together a routine or your left side is too weak which creates an imbalance in your tricks and you cannot link them well together. Perhaps it would have been better to start slow in the first place and learn things properly. But if you didn't do that going back and repeating is the best thing you can do.

  • Kate O

    March 21, 2013 at 6:56 am

    Sorry for hijacking a little bit, but is it really important to do moves on your weak side? We tried it in class for the first time the other day and I couldn't do anything on my left side, even a fireman, it felt so unnatural. I very much doubt I'll ever be advanced/compete so do you think it's very important to be strong on both sides? I'm interested to know 🙂

  • Krista Bocko

    March 21, 2013 at 7:24 am

    YES, Kate! Absolutely. I start my students on day one doing everything on both sides! It's got to be a habit that you cultivate. 

  • Kira

    March 21, 2013 at 7:29 am

    Hey Shona don’t give up! I got to the stage where I hit a pole wall and couldn’t progress with new moves and was losing my aerial invert and everyone I saw around me was just getting stronger and better so I decided if I can’t do what they are doing now then I will perfect the basics/moves I can do. Though I am far from perfect I feel a much better dancer and well rounded poler as most other polers I know can only do tricks. Whilst that’s all well and good, in a routine its boring as hell, least I got a darn good head roll :p plus you know having the basics down will help you loads in the future!

  • ShonaLancs

    March 21, 2013 at 8:06 am

    Raven, you response is exactly how I feel those around me are progressing in strength and after 4 months of only 1 pole session a week when I used to do 3 my strength is fading quickly. That is what has made me think about this, if my strength isn’t there to progress my Ayesha and nail my handspring everytime then I need to look at other stuff, it’s the perfect time to progress something else.
    I have seen you perform and you are an amazing poler so knowing you recommend this has motivated me so much more- thanks 🙂
    Hopefully I’ll be pirouetting for fun and the pole jam in April! X

  • ShonaLancs

    March 21, 2013 at 8:08 am

    Kate92, yes it is important to learn on both sides. I do not want to perform or compete but I do want to be a good, strong and fluid poler and to achieve thy you need to train both sides- exactly the reason I am going back to basics. I have trained both sides for strength- pull ups, inverts etc but not for tricks and spins and it shows in my dances… Start now 🙂
    Thanks to everyone for their stories, they really do motivate me x

  • Msmeliciously

    March 22, 2013 at 11:36 am

    Oh, it is sooooo good to know that there are a lot more of us here!  I have been poling on and off for nearly 3 years.  I have been going through a rough spot this last past year and I feel like I have been going backward!  My first year it felt like I was on fire and I was progressing tremendously.  Now I feel like life happens and then you gotta just get back up on that pole and try try again.  I also had to re-evaluate how I am doing and realized that in some ways, I was taught badly on some of my techniques and so I am also having to relearn old lessons so I can break myself of some bad habits (oh, like flexing my foot when inverting into an outside leg hook, Man, hate that!!).  And I am also focusing on my weaker side so I can balance both sides of my body.  I find it strangely refreshing to invert on my weak side, it's like the feel of learning a cool new trick all over again.  So don't give up, we all have gotta stick together!!   Good luck to you all!!

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