Day 2

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Please keep this as a rest day.
I’m so excited about this program! I tend to get overzealous on my “flexy days” and push too hard – ultimately leaving me tighter, so I need some structure like this to keep me from overstretching!!
One question! I also do weight lifting / strength training during the week – on which days would you recommend I do strength training? Thanks so much!!
I tell you what days you can do on your workout days. I suggest watching each day the night before or morning so you can plan for rest and workout days. 🙂
I’ve been waiting all day to see what Day 2 would be and it’s a rest day. Due to the work outs I did yesterday, it’s a good thing. This speaks to me though so I will make effort to continue, as you know how unflexy my body is. Any improvement will be welcomed.
Thank youðŸ˜Å
Whew! A rest day, thank goodness! 😆
Wow! Finally a posture I can nail LOL!
Ha! Did you have trouble with yesterday’s stretches?