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A view to die for. This move is more advanced due to its inverted nature but is very worth the time spent learning.
Ha you werent kidding where you? lol! I so love it though, keep posting more hehehe 🙂
Ooooh I love this!
can this move be done with stripper shoes on?
also- what do you mean by, “He’s dying”? is it because the weight on him is uncomfortable, or is it because of the tease?
sure! i’d just be very careful around his head, he might freak out with pointy heels coming at his head unless you’re super careful. when i say, “he’s dying”, i mean because of the tease 😉
LOVE IT, so natural sutra looking
damn I need to practice this lol
Meow! I need to do this with my husband. He would go ape!
Awesome move!!!i had no idea lap dances could be that fun
After the invertion, is it possible to perform different moves with the legs just like when doing the handstand in the pole?
Of course! 🙂
You girls are seriously rad! haha. and im luvn the”lady bits” term, Im gonna have to use that one!
mayumi- you could string in the “money thigh invert” with this one if you wanted 🙂
cool!!! Kisses.
Lol Can’t wait to try this on my boyfriend!
That was really impressive!
Is there a way to practice the inversion without a person so you know you ain’t just going to smack up into them with all your weight? I can totally imagine me doing that. Lol.
Nachashlisis, you could try working on this like you would an elbow stand. The elbow stand would teach you the control needed to not smack into someone. 🙂
Thank you Sascha, I can’t wait to learn this movie. Love it! Also thanks Veena for the tip, I think I’ll work on my elbow stand before attempting this with my man. ;D
This is adorable <3