Back Mobility Routine

This is an 18 minute routine to strengthen, flex, and extend the muscles of the back, spine shoulders, and hip flexors. The last stretch is optional and meant for those who are advanced and need a bit more of a challenge. Always listen to your body. Remember for more variations of the stretches refer back to the individual stretching lessons.
Excellent routine Veena, thankyou!
This is a great routine, very thorough. I have one question: I’ve read that it may help those just starting to gain back flexibility to practice either laying on the belly or on one side, but not so much in positions that require balance like the back bridge. The theory is that it’s easier to develop good form (stretching all the vertebra) if your body weight is supported. What do you think about this? (Personally, I practice all these stretches, including the back bridge)
I think it’s best to stay with the half bridge before moving on to bridge if bridge is challenging. Lying side ways is good if you can be sure not to twist….most people I’ve seen do this tend to twist.
I tried some of the moves yesterday and helped me soooo much for my stretching! Once again, Thank you! I did half bridge and I think is helping me to reach full bridge! I never thought I could start from that move to move on to the other and Veena unblocked me! :)) I so liked it all of it!
Yay, I’m happy to hear that. A full bridge is a big challenge, so take your time π
I cannot wait to be able to see this (can’t view at work). Looks like I know what i am trying tonight!
Thanks for the routine V can’t wait to try it and get more flexy π
Hope it works well for you π
Yay, just did the routine! I really like it:)
This is excellent! I almost got into a backbend (bead off the floor–just)! Another great routine, V!
Came to do this routine and found my subscrition expired because the card I had on file expired. Reupped for a year! I seriously need to work on my back mobility and this is a very do able routine for me. Love you Veena!
This should help me touch my feet to my head. Well actually my back is flexible it might be what ever muscle groups that control my leg.
Yes, this routine will help
Wow, i thought i had very poor back mobility, but i guess i wasn’t quite as bad as i thought! Loved the routine and that i felt very comfortable with most of the positions, even the full bridge! Camel wasn’t as pretty O.o lol but it is something to watch progress on. Going to bed a happy and stretched camper!
Yay! I think a lot of times it’s not so much about increasing mobility but rather learning how to lengthen, strengthen and use the spine.
Yay!!! I’m going to do this twice a week so help me get that ballerina pose! Thank you V!
Good luck!!!
I Did this before my flexi class and it totally helped because my instructor is ALL about back flexibility!
Amazing routine! I just did it and realised I can put my left toe on my head oO… didn’t know that! ^^ I did all the streching routines today and I feel really good. I did a lot of ballet some years ago and feeling it all coming back feels amazing. Thank you Veena, very good stretches, nicely explained and built up in the routine to the bridge/splits. Really good!
Thank you!
Much as I love the concept and the content of all of these routines/lessons, I have only once or twice managed to watch one the whole way through. Usually they freeze about half way through. My wifi connection seems otherwise fine.
Has anyone else had this problem, or is it purely the fault of my computer/Broadband?
If you have issues viewing videos please use the contact us link to reach our webmaster. π
This lesson was a welcome challenge. Not as flexible as I thought I was π rude awakening! Definitely adding this to my faves!
Hi Veena, is this routine suitable for beginner flexible would you recommend doing your 30 day flexi programme first?
Beginners can work in this, however it’s best to have worked through each individual stretching lesson first so you understand proper body placement and you’ll see different options for various levels of flexibility. Γ°ΕΈβΕ
Thanks Veena!!!!!!
this was so much yumminess ! Did this and the shoulder and abs routine. I’ve got Veena routines on schedule this week and next week – yaaaaa ! Bless you ~