Forums Discussions How does everyone structure their pole practices? Reply To: How does everyone structure their pole practices?

  • pole-twista

    January 4, 2009 at 9:40 pm

    i’m really glad you asked as i would love to have some sort of routine i think it would help alot with getting on the pole enough to gain strength and flexibility as well as keep me motivated right now its whenever and whatever i feel like freestlye is def. important, but knowing i’m doing certain things on set days to get closer to my goals would be great I don’t usually even warm up I just put on music and start doing spins/inverts
    I have read some good ideas in the forums about just doing easy dancing to warm up and putting on relaxing music til your ready to really start moving i am going to try some new moves tonight so will be warming up/stretching part of what i miss about class is knowing we had warm-up cool-down routine well i look foward to reading everyone elses ideas on this