Forums Discussions January Studio Veena Challenge Reply To: January Studio Veena Challenge

  • pole-twista

    January 15, 2009 at 4:51 pm

    ok question have stayed off pole all week so can be fresh for fri night (finally a whole day and night off yay!!!) am planing on making a vid to post even though i have no way to edit at the moment so it might not be my finest piece, but just to get things started i would like to just go for it do we have an order in which we are doing challenges, or can we just look over the lists and chhose? i mean i know obviously we are free to do what we want, but if there is going to be some sort of order i would like to follow it so am not doing dance to 80’s music or somthing while everyone else is doing opera or whatever am making vid fri night so if dont know before than am probably going to choose whatever grabs me at that moment