Forums Discussions January Studio Veena Challenge Reply To: January Studio Veena Challenge

  • pole-twista

    January 9, 2009 at 1:20 am

    I think getting a camera is a good investment it will help you to learn new and improve exsisting moves to be able see yourself (even if you have a big mirror, you can’t really get a good look at body/hand position ect
    plus of cousre being able to post as well as having Veena and others see your "work" and be able to maybe give you advice on how to better something or let you know the reason your not geting a move is b/c hand is too high/low ect trying to explain by words what move your trying to do can get confusing
    and a big thing that I love about statring to tape myself is being able to look back at your videos as time goes on to see how you have improved or just to watch for fun is great i only wish I had started with that right from the start so could see how much I struggled with things I now do with ease I find that empowering and encouraging not to mention of course you can always use the camera to record other things you want to perserve on video I love photography so I realize how valuable videos and pictures get as time goes on
    I have photos of friends and family that have passed away over the years and those photos are so precious to me now you just assume everytime you see/talk to a loved one there will be a next time, but life is too unpredictable to assume not to get too heavy, but I say take lots of pics and videos as they become more valuable to you over time especially the pics/vids we’re going to have from this crazy "girls with curls gone wild" video from our road trip!!

    Ya i usually go right to the hard stuff when checking out the video lessons (handspring, pencil mount ect ) but your right I really should check out her transitional moves good idea!