Forums Discussions laser hair removal……down there

  • adAstra

    July 28, 2012 at 11:49 pm

    I saw on youtube that you can try the NoNo for 2 months (and if you don't like it for any reason  you can ship it back free and get a refund on what you paid. So I'm thinking of trying that and if it really works as well as they say, then I'll keep it. If not, my sister was also going to do a trial so we'd have 4 months total to see if it takes more time to work. Just an idea 😉

  • SexyRockStarsWifeNowWidow

    July 28, 2012 at 11:56 pm

    The reviews on amazon for NO!NO! are terrible. Just want to give you ladies a heads up, but if you're brave enough to try it anyways, lemme know how it turns out. lol.

  • portableninja

    August 21, 2012 at 1:45 pm

    I'm a little late to this thread, but I had laser hair removal done "Brazilian style" (meaning, all the hair was treated, like getting a brazilian wax.) I chose to get the Brazilian instead of the regular bikini because my hair down there was so thick. I wanted it all gone, or at least lessened! From the very beginning the treatment center was very clear that it would not leave me completely hairless – I could only expect "Permanent Hair Reduction." This was fine with me, as anything would be an improvement. Shaving it usually resulted in half a day of smoothness followed by a week of angry red bumps. I was considered to be the ideal candidate (fair skinned with dark hair.) I won't lie, the treatments were painful, but no worse than getting waxed. If you have had a bikini wax and managed not to cry, you will be fine with lasers. 🙂 They were not able to get "all" of the hair down there because of my pain tolerance… there are some parts that just should not be touched by a laser. But anything visible under a skimpy bikini was taken care of easily. It has now been a year since I finished treatment and I am still pleased. I purchased the unlimited treatment plan, and I'm happy I did. I needed more than the average number of treatments until I was satisfied with the amount of hair. It was nice not to have to pay extra for that. I still have hair down there, but it is soft and fine, grows back slowly, and very easy to shave. It takes less than 30 seconds in the shower to shave my bikini area, which makes beach season awesome. I recommend it for that reason – it doesn't make shaving obsolete, but it does make it a lot easier.

    One thing to be wary of is the sun. You need to avoid sun exposure to the treatment area for the entire course of treatment. It's a good thing to do in the fall/winter for that reason. Be careful of Groupons for laser hair removal. After my great experience getting my bikini area done at full price, I bought a Groupon for 8 treatments for the underarms at a different med spa. The results there were not nearly as good, and they were also a lot less painful, which seemed to be revealing. I suspect they were not using a high powered laser in an effort to get me to buy more treatments at the non-Groupon price. I definitely still have to shave my armpits every other day!

    Also, be sure to go to a facility where there will be a doctor handling the treatments. The laws vary state to state, but I got my lasering done in NJ (where a doctor is required to be on the premises, and in the case of the first place I went, actually operated the laser at all times.) It's a serious burn hazard if not operated correctly. Meanwhile, just over the border in NY, the equivalent of a nail tech license is enough to operate a laser. No thanks!

  • mastaas

    January 5, 2013 at 3:19 pm

    PLEASE do not get the NoNo… biggest waste of money in the entire universe. I literally have nothing to do with mine but sit it in a drawer. Save your money ladies!

  • Madame DeVille

    January 5, 2013 at 8:34 pm

    I have lighter olive skin with dark brown hair and 'm currently doing my full everything downstairs from front all the way up the back. Where I went sells packages in sets of 4. I finished my last one about two months ago and haven't had the money to finish yet. When I stopped I was about 75% bare. Already some has started growing back and its about 60% bare now. My best friend needed about 20 sessions to get everything off for good. She finished hers two years ago and she hasn't had anything grow back (which is the only reason why I plan to continue mine); however, she is Asian and had less to begin with so maybe that has something to do with it. She went to American Laser which is international. I used a local place which uses a GentleLASE machine. 

  • Madame DeVille

    January 5, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    and by international i definitely meant national…oops!

  • Butterfly18

    January 6, 2013 at 9:36 am

    Hi! I've had 7 treaments so far  and some parts look good. The part that needs work are the VERY sensitive areas. So to the ladies using numbing cream, have you had any reactions? I'm scared I might have a scary side effect down there. If I'm paying lots of money to get it done so I want them to do it right but my God the pain in that area. Do you just use a little or smear lots on a few hours before? What are you guys using? Thanks!!!! 🙂

  • DixiePixie

    January 6, 2013 at 10:23 am

    Ive done the waxing before and bled from my pores pretty good. Then It hurt terribly as it healed. It was like I had severe razor burn I could barley touch that area. I don't have the money to do laser treatments so I just invest in real good razors and shave. I do a real great job right down to the skin, and I never get bumps or burns. Going slowly and having a good shave cream that you don't have a reaction too is key as well. I just stick with that and make sure I'm extra hair free before pole sessions/ competitions.

  • CD Hussey fka Jivete

    January 6, 2013 at 4:46 pm

    I love laser hair removal, but I will say, choose the place you get it done carefully. I had a groupon for one place and not only did they burn me, but the laser didn't even work.

    The place I go to regularly barely hurts, and I always have great results. I've done my chin, my legs, and my bikini, and my armpits once or twice.

    I don't think it costs that much more than waxing and not only do the effects last longer, you'll have less hair later, and no irritation.  Or at least I've never had any irritation.

  • raihan97

    April 30, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    There square measure quite an few back queries advocating is my experience, the technology hasn’t impacted but to the selling. I had a troublesome time finding associate intensive review from someone.

  • jellifish

    June 28, 2013 at 9:37 am

    Ever since I was young, I had a huge problem with the hair down there. It was pretty thick, dark and seemed to grow out farther than just my bikini area. I had tried everything from shaving, waxing and sugaring before I decided to buy a groupon and get laser hair removal. Since shaving only lasted a day before red bumps and irritation appeared, I saw laser hair removal as my last real chance at feeling free and able to wear a bikini whenever I felt like it (which is crucial when you live in San Diego!) Surprisingly, after talking to many of my girlfriends, I found out that they were ALL (about 8 of them) undergoing laser treatments themselves. I asked them many questions about it and after listening to their answers, I decided I was the perfect candidate (white skin and dark black hair). They all told me to get a prescription numbing cream (Lidocaine and Prilocaine) which I was to thickly apply to the treated area an hour before the treatment (and after having completely shaved the area). After applying the cream, you want to cover it in saran wrap and lay there while it soaks in. By the time I arrived at the laser center, I was totally numb down there. I had initially bough a groupon for 6 treatments of the bikini and underarm area but after my first treatment I paid more to add on the entire brazilian. I figured since they were down there already, why not just do it all. Even with the numbing cream, I found myself clenching in pain each time the laser clicked. But I grit my teeth and pictured myself in a bikini on the beach with no worries. After the first treatment, I was no longer uncomfortable with someone being all up in my business down there. After the 6th treatment was done, I opted to pay for an additional 6 (for another $300) because I could clearly see results. I am currently done with my 7th treatment and I cannot believe the results. Almost all of the pubic hair is gone and whatever grows back is very fine, thin, blonde hair that I didn't even know I had! My bikini line is smooth and totally hairless. My underarms can go for days without shaving and it looks like I never had hair grow there in the first place. I really was one of those people who were pretty much desperate for a permanent hair removal solution and laser hair removal really was my answer. Yes the treatments can hurt but they only last for 5 minutes and the results are worth it. I was not sore or red after any of my treatments. If you have tried everything else and don't know where else to turn, I would suggest this route. It is the most well spent money I've ever spent!

  • TLizzard

    June 28, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    I did this over 6 years ago and best money I ever spent….my sister just had her second treatment and she is already happy with the results. If you get a reputable place to do it you will be very happy!

  • TLizzard

    June 28, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    I did this over 6 years ago and best money I ever spent….my sister just had her second treatment and she is already happy with the results. If you get a reputable place to do it you will be very happy!

  • PersianXcursian

    June 29, 2013 at 3:08 am

    I was lucky enough to find a groupon to a good place with a nearly pain free laser. its one of the alma lasers and I barely felt it on the first treatment. It did hurt a little on the second treatment because she cranked up the intensity but it mostly just felt really hot at times. After the first treatment, it took me at least 2 weeks before I saw enough growth to warrant shaving. Best $300 I have ever spent.

  • valeriusvallance5447

    May 26, 2015 at 6:52 pm

    Yeah, its definitely a very sensitive part of the body. comparatively, i have a very low pain threshold, so i use a numbing cream for any laser treatment (hair removal and tattoo removal). luckily for me i have had both done multiple times. Therefore, i bought a large amount of numbing cream. it is really effective if you apply it on prior to the treatment. i use(d) bioevolve numbing cream because you can get a large amount of it.

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