Forums Discussions Pole legalities with kids

  • Pole legalities with kids

    Posted by Pierced Kitteh on March 14, 2010 at 2:19 am

    Hi all…

    i recently put up an xpole in my unused dining room (only place it would fit because of height issues). i have 3 boys, 2 of them being teenagers and 1 pre-teen. The boys know that it was only used for excercising/ballet NOT for stripping. They had no issues with it being in the house, it was like it wasn’t even there. i have a very open relationship with my boys and we are very close in as they can trust me with anything…heck, they are even my facebook friends lol!

    Well last week my sis, who works for dept of children and families found out that i had a pole in the house and flipped out. She told me i was NOT allowed to have a pole in the house and that if i didn’t take it down she would remove my 3 boys from my house. i would like to know if the state can do this? i mean it is my house and having a pole for excercise is not illegal right? i didn’t use the pole in front of them and i certainly didn’t strip on the pole. Does anyone here know the legalities, if any, on having a pole in the house with children?

    To make her get off my case i took my pole down but i am pissed off because she is stereotyping the pole as to being sleazy and when i try to talk to her about how it is a sport and such she just screams and talks over me like i am wrong and she is right.

    i am a 40 something yr old, single/divorced working mom and law abiding citizen who feels as though i was bullied into taking down my pole and would love to look into the legalities further. If anyone knows any lawyers who can look through law books on this i would really be interested.

    Thanks so much and hope to get replies on this.

    minicoopergrl replied 14 years, 7 months ago 13 Members · 16 Replies
  • 16 Replies
  • Webmaster

    March 14, 2010 at 2:40 am

    There is absolutely no law against having a Pole in your home in any state in the US. End of story.

    We could discuss all the things she could remove them from your home for, but having a pole is not one of them and therefore it is not necessary to expound on this at all.

  • jvks1mom

    March 14, 2010 at 2:48 am

    And how could SHE remove them from your home? That would be conflict of interest.

  • Danielle Tillie

    March 14, 2010 at 4:18 am

    Oh my word… that, unfortunately, is your sister forcing her views upon you. She clearly is narrow-minded on this subject. It’s infuriating that someone would honestly believe this, but I did a little research into Ohio’s child abuse laws, and I did find something. I think it’s ludicrous though, but I thought I’d share it just to be thorough.

    As used in this chapter, an "abused child" includes any child who:
    (D) Because of the acts of his parents, guardian, or custodian, suffers physical or mental injury that harms or threatens to harm the child’s health or welfare.

    If she honestly believes that a pole existing in your home is an act that will cause your children "mental injury" or "threatens to harm the child’s health or welfare", then she is sorely mistaken. It is not illegal to have a pole in your house with children. Should you consult a lawyer, I do not see why you would have any issues. I’m so sorry that your sister is treating you in this manner.

  • workingfire

    March 14, 2010 at 4:46 am

    That is really upsetting that a family member would try and pull something like that on you.

    I personally would not take my pole down. Your sons sound old enough that if your sister actually decided to take this further, they could defend you in that they don’t feel any ‘mental harm’ has come from it. It’s just such a ridiculous allegation that I don’t really think it would hold up in any court situation. (And if it did, there’s something wrong with the world.)

    And the thing I find SO FRUSTRATING about this, is that people think it’s so sleazy to have a pole in the house with children around, and they obviously assume it leads to creating an overly sexual atmosphere. But excuse me: have you SEEN what your kids are watching on television? Have you HEARD the lyrics to the music they listen to? Have you opened your eyes to the Cosmopolitan that screams titles such as ‘Bad Girl Sex!’ that thirteen year old girls are eyeing up on the magazine rack?

    If people really think poling is bad, they need to give their heads a serious shake. The reason kids are becoming overly sexual at such young ages isn’t because the odd mom wants to dance on a pole. It’s because of everything mentioned above. *pulls out hair*

    Wishing you luck on this situation!

  • azriel

    March 14, 2010 at 5:10 am

    Wow. i knew that some people don’t agree with children witnessing their moms poling (which i think is ridiculous), but JEEZ!! I just can’t believe she would be so dramatic as to threaten you like that. Obviously there must be some other underlying issues with her. I’m sorry I don’t have any legal information i can offer you, but even if you DID pole in front of your children, i still can’t see how that could harm them, especially since (as you said), you’re not stripping!
    I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. good luck & please keep us updated. *hugs*

  • Journey

    March 14, 2010 at 4:48 pm

    I agree with what everyone said above, but I just had a random thought.

    What if someone was taken to court over something like this??? (not necessarily Obsidian, just someone) I think it would be nice to have a legal decision out there saying that pole dancing isn’t what the stereotype is. Would be really hard and nerve-wracking for the people defending poling, yeah, but I think it would be awesome to have that kind of publicity. I’m confident that pole would win out in the end and it would only be a positive reflection on pole dancing as a whole.

    Like I said, just a thought.

  • luvlee

    March 14, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    Yeah. But there is no wat this could ever get into court. There is no case. Even if she was a stripper. Still no case. Actually if anything they will start a reccord from the visit and if everything else is in tact and the sister that made the report keeps complaining, with false reports, she can eventually loose her job. I think it is like three false reports or something. The pole is irrelevant. It is not illeagle to own one period. No problem.

  • poledanceromance

    March 14, 2010 at 5:29 pm

    Knowledge is power. Go to your state’s website and print out copies of all applicable statutes. Read them to her like the idiot brick wall she is. Then tell her to shut her ugly hateful mouth, and remind her the only thing that will be traumatic to your (happy and well adjusted) children is having them see her verbally abuse and stigmatize their mother.

    Then maybe light her on fire, whatever works.

  • poledanceromance

    March 14, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    Yeah. But there is no wat this could ever get into court. There is no case. Even if she was a stripper. Still no case. Actually if anything they will start a reccord from the visit and if everything else is in tact and the sister that made the report keeps complaining, with false reports, she can eventually loose her job. I think it is like three false reports or something. The pole is irrelevant. It is not illeagle to own one period. No problem.

    Someone can technically drag you into court for just about anything, the only road block is whether they can find an attorney who will take their case (trying to claim psychological harm from witnessing the harlot-pole in its unused state or something equally ridiculous) and then find a judge who won’t dismiss it. These days, people don’t like to be made to sit on juries for ridiculous lawsuits much, so juries are tending to become belligerent and angry when they see a stupid case, so it’s getting even harder to find attorneys to take those cases.

  • Danielle Tillie

    March 14, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    Knowledge is power. Go to your state’s website and print out copies of all applicable statutes. Read them to her like the idiot brick wall she is. Then tell her to shut her ugly hateful mouth, and remind her the only thing that will be traumatic to your (happy and well adjusted) children is having them see her verbally abuse and stigmatize their mother.

    Then maybe light her on fire, whatever works.

    ^ hear, hear!

  • Pierced Kitteh

    March 15, 2010 at 2:13 am

    Thanks for the replies everyone! i am still very hurt from the stinging words that my sis spewed from her mouth. i am going to investigate this further because when i put my pole back up i want legal documents to back me up.

    Take care and be well!


  • AliiraAB

    April 14, 2010 at 5:00 pm

    Don’t let her in your house anymore if she’s going to threaten your children.

    Threatening to take your children is going to be far more mentally damaging to them then you having a pole in your house.

  • RoxyPink

    April 14, 2010 at 7:28 pm

    What’s the updated status of this????

  • Dayanara

    May 11, 2010 at 8:47 pm

    Can we know what happened in this case?

  • Pierced Kitteh

    May 26, 2010 at 2:38 am

    Hi all,

    well basically my sis apologized for threatening me but she stayed firm on her beliefs about having a pole in the house. i took down the pole to cool things off. She told me she didn’t have a problem with me having a pole but she said it was inappropriate to have it in the dinning room ( we don’t even eat in there). She told me she would gladly buy me a pole that would fit in my bedroom. Things have since cooled down since then and just yesterday i put my pole back up in the dinning room. It is the removable x pole so i figure i’ll keep it up for the majority of the time and when need be i’ll take it down. My boys have NO issue what so ever with it being there, they are teenagers and totally have no problem with me poling. i never did look into the legalities on this issue because i have been very busy with work and with classes but i would in fact like to look into it further when time allows. What truly scares me is that there are social workers out there that are very biased and should not be allowed to threaten woman on this issue especially when pole dancing is a legal dance/sport.

    i do thank you all for supporting me and for commenting. Take care and be well… And yes, my relationship with my sis has been forever changed due to her hurtful words and actions..

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