Forums Discussions Loyal to your dance studio?

  • Drdredancer

    August 3, 2012 at 10:24 am

    I used to take class at a particular studio and when auditions for instructors came up, I wasn’t picked. They thought it was weird that I used floor in my warm up. I auditioned at another studio and got the job immediately. The problem was that there wasn’t anyone better than me and teaching there monopolized my time. So, for a year, I didn’t grow. My students started catching up with me so I went to another pole studio to learn new stuff. I fell in love with the community there and auditioned to be an instructor there. Again, I got the job immediately! Since then, I am in the most perfect pole situation. I get paid to do what I love, have tons of friend’s with the same interest, and there are so many girls to learn from. The owner of this studio is very advanced and has champion training every week and she constantly pushes us to grow. I also take many workshops at various studios. I think it is hard to generalize this answer. It depends on the studio itself. See if it’s a good fit for you. Do you like the community? Is there potential for growth? Don’t worry about your friend’s from your other studio. If they are really your friends, you will still jam with them and they would understand.

  • Drdredancer

    August 3, 2012 at 10:27 am

    *sorry for always using the possessive in “friends.”. iPhone needs grammar lessons… Autocorrect snuck up on me!

  • minicoopergrl

    August 3, 2012 at 11:10 am

    Im at a point where I was loyal to my studio for 6yrs and ive grown and changed and they arent going to fit my needs for right now (plus some other things went down, cant support someone who doesnt give me time of day but knows who I am).  And thats ok, we all grow and change and we do need to spread our wings and fly!  Im so ready to fly!

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