Forums Discussions Hi from Charleston!

  • SissyBuns

    February 11, 2010 at 12:02 am

    Welcome kitten! I can’t wait to see that knee hold in a vid!

  • PoleKitten87

    February 11, 2010 at 12:12 am

    When I get home I will have to post one I did in Sept 09. I feel I’m even better now, but the knee hold in that one is sweeet I haven’t made another vid since then, but hopefully will this weekend w more stuff I’ve learned.

  • SissyBuns

    February 11, 2010 at 12:24 am

    Sweet! We love vids here. We need them to survive!

  • angygirl

    February 11, 2010 at 1:14 am

    Hi! I take lessons at Goddess. where do you take them? I am angy nice to meet you.

  • PoleKitten87

    February 11, 2010 at 1:30 am

    I take them at Goddess Summerville. Nice to meet you too What Goddess do you go to & how long have you been going?

  • angygirl

    February 11, 2010 at 1:44 am

    I’m at the Summerville studio too! I am level 3 now. I started march 2009. I am not very good at it but doing it for fitness and have gone from size 16 to size 8. I am sure you have seen me, I am the lazy one that Ash has to ride all the time. go to my facebook page and you can see my holiday pole pics. Angel Marshell is the name. Hope to see you soon

  • Veena

    February 11, 2010 at 5:48 am

    Welcome, I love your attitude about getting that knee hold!!!

  • RoxyPink

    February 11, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    Welcome!! I lived in Charleston for quite some time (went to CofC) and even bartended at the Applebee’s in Summerville for a while!! I haven’t been back in about 6 years though. I hope you share your progress and congrats on the knee hold!

  • PoleKitten87

    February 11, 2010 at 8:30 pm

    I’m at TTC right now, once I get my AS I’ll be transferring to C of C for a BS in Chemistry I’m originally from Jersey, and would go back in a heartbeat Not sure where there’s any pole studios there though – never looked into it! It’s hard convincing hubby to want to move there, he’s been in Charleston since he was 5.

    Thanks for all the welcomes! I got home really late last night so I didn’t get time to post the vid I made in Sept – hopefully tonight I’ll get home earlier. Working FT and school FT is killing me! (With pole Mon & Wed, and bowling on Fri!)

  • PoleKitten87

    February 12, 2010 at 12:52 am

    I am sure you have seen me, I am the lazy one that Ash has to ride all the time. go to my facebook page and you can see my holiday pole pics. Angel Marshell is the name. Hope to see you soon

    If I found the right facebook, which I imagine you’d be the one with pole pics and a fan of GDS, then what do you mean you’re not very good?! I see a cross knee release as a profile pic! The first time I did that was for the pole meet routine in November – for some reason I could do a free fall but was afraid of the cross-knee . The few pics I saw makes me think I’ve definitely seen you there before. I coulda sworn you were in 201 with me maybe 1 session? Or maybe saw you after our class was done.

  • PoleKitten87

    February 12, 2010 at 12:55 am

    Here’s a knee hold pic to hold everyone over until the vid

  • lililoo

    February 12, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    Hi! I live in Mount Pleasant, SC. I got my pole about 4 months ago, and have been practicing at home, but I haven’t taken any lessons. How do you like Goddess? My friend and I thought about taking some classes, but they won’t let us start at a higher level. We already know how to do some things like a CAR, butterfly, bow and arrow, and some other beginner/intermediate tricks and a lot of spins. Do you know if they will move us up quickly if we know how to do things?

    Maybe we can all get together sometime with Angygirl too for some pole practice! My friend and I have been wishing we had more friends that were into poling!

  • PoleKitten87

    February 13, 2010 at 7:50 pm

    Hi! I live in Mount Pleasant, SC. I got my pole about 4 months ago, and have been practicing at home, but I haven’t taken any lessons. How do you like Goddess? My friend and I thought about taking some classes, but they won’t let us start at a higher level. We already know how to do some things like a CAR, butterfly, bow and arrow, and some other beginner/intermediate tricks and a lot of spins. Do you know if they will move us up quickly if we know how to do things?

    Maybe we can all get together sometime with Angygirl too for some pole practice! My friend and I have been wishing we had more friends that were into poling!

    Goddess is alright, I’ve never experienced anywhere else. I dont like how they’ve changed the schedule around – which is why I can only make it 1x a week instead of two times, so I end up making up classes I miss. When I started, it was 101 level, 201 level, and all-star level. They’ve changed it to L1-L5 now. I’m a L4, which is still advanced, just not "been-there-2+-years-advanced". My friend and I WERE hanging with the people who’d been there that long though in the original all-star class!

    I had to spend a minimum of two sessions in the 101 level, and spent three sessions in the 201 level – each session was 8 weeks long. Now they’re 6 weeks long and different ‘level ratings’. As far as I know they wont let someone skip levels, you have to go through all of them to make your way up. If you show capabilities you’ll probably move up pretty quickly. I think L3 is the one people stay in the longest now, its sort of in between intermediate and advanced. Having a pole at home definitely helped me move up as quickly as I did – it only took 9 months to become an "All-star".

    That would be fun to all get together and do some pole!

  • angygirl

    February 14, 2010 at 6:44 am

    Hey Tara!! yes that’s me. I will help you remember me…I sat next to you and your husband at the halloween party. I was a kitten. I can do a lot more on the pole than I am allowed to do in class I am working on my core strength to get the knee hold, but I am sure it will take months.

    Girl you freakin rock on the pole!!! You blew me away with your doubles performance at the halloween party.

    The first time I saw you we were in a 101 class, and I remember your "move up the ranks dance." I have been wanting to quit classes and just do it at home because of the new schedule but will stick it out because I have made so many wonderful friends
    I hope to catch you soon. I WANNA BE LIKE YOU WHEN I GROW UP!!!

  • PoleKitten87

    February 14, 2010 at 1:58 pm

    Hey Tara!! yes that’s me. I will help you remember me…I sat next to you and your husband at the halloween party. I was a kitten. I can do a lot more on the pole than I am allowed to do in class I am working on my core strength to get the knee hold, but I am sure it will take months.

    Girl you freakin rock on the pole!!! You blew me away with your doubles performance at the halloween party.

    The first time I saw you we were in a 101 class, and I remember your "move up the ranks dance." I have been wanting to quit classes and just do it at home because of the new schedule but will stick it out because I have made so many wonderful friends
    I hope to catch you soon. I WANNA BE LIKE YOU WHEN I GROW UP!!!

    I remember sitting by ya there! I do a lot more on the pole too than I’m allowed to do in class. If you keep working at it, I’m sure you’ll get the knee hold. The new schedule is terrible – the only two times L4 is scheduled is Sun @ 830pm & Mon @ 630pm – less than 24 hrs apart! With how busy I am, on sundays by that time, I’m curled up w hubby about to sleep. My doubles partner comes over on Wed & we do our own pole practices since she can’t make sundays either. I considered dropping too but will just go once a week & make up the others.

    What nights are you there now?

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