Forums Discussions Advice on Moves

  • branquinha

    February 25, 2009 at 5:14 pm


    Is the Straight Edge Split the Aysha? Because I can probably help, then, if it is the Straight edge with the split grip then I can’t, because I do it with elbow grip only. If it is the ‘Aysha’, then I would firts try it with your body touching the pole, from an inverted crucifix. You get one arm down – usually the one you would use to caterpillar (in my case the left arm) – you lift yourself just a little bit, so that with your other arm you can get a good elbow grip – feel it bitting the skin and then you are stable and ready! You should then release your legs from the pole as a ‘v’ – to be extra safe, do so with your legs a little bit forward so you can hook your legs around the pole if you are not stable. One you are comfortable there, you can do it away from the pole. The difference is that you catterpilar up (do a high one – your hips will be almost as high as your knees and away from the pole, your head will be near the pole) and then you get a good elbow grip and this will be the right place and pressure for you to let go off the pole. (It works for me!)
    Straight edge with the elbow grip is similar, but although I do the aysha with no probs, I find the straight edge a bit scarier…

    Knee hold – for some reason this one was easy for me. I guess the problem with it is the fear of pain. You just have to believe you can hold it. I just do side climb, get one knee high and then the side of the other knee bellow on the pole when I lock my feet together. Let go!

    Cannot help with the others, so I’ll be waiting for replies too.

    I keep trying this handspring, but no luck…


  • SaschaPoles

    February 25, 2009 at 9:00 pm

    camilla have you boughten lessons that veena teaches? im not 100% sure offhand if she does every move on your list, but i know she has a ton of lessons that are really easy to follow….might help you a little bit

  • pole-twista

    February 26, 2009 at 1:45 pm

    ya i have the lessons some are not there jade split/jacknife ect the handspring is and is broken down well, but just can’t seem to get the concept twisted grip too no matter how many times i see the vids of it I just cant seem to figure out how to grip the pole ect so cant even begin to practice i can do what i thought would be a half cartwheel mount into butterfly but i think I keep hearing it called half handspring into butterfly either way handspring or cartwheel are both big on my list ya I was refering to the aysha (straight edge split) i also use elbow grip as feels more secure for me i can unwrap ankles once in catipillar with elbow, but it looks more like i’m about to attempt superman than aysha bc am still gripping tight with inner thighs and legs are more straight behind me rather than away from pole and straddled this one i think is just a matter of building strength, confidence, and balance was just wandering if anyone had any tips
    certain strength/balancing exersise or a diffrent way of getting into it

    like the handspring there was a girl trying it on youtube and someone told her she was gripping way too high and thats why she wasnt getting it she lowered grip and got it next vid just simple tips like that can make the diffrence between months of frustration and landing a move i am more than happy to help anyone with any moves i know how to do or have gotten tips on spread the love

  • pole-twista

    February 26, 2009 at 1:46 pm

    Thanks for the tips btw will give it a try this weekend

  • LittleMissLola

    February 26, 2009 at 8:22 pm

    I think Aysha is one that a lot of people tend to get "by accident". By that I mean something suddenly clicks, and it was that way for me. It was a move that scared the life out of me and I was refusing to let go with my legs even with my instructor holding my hips. Someone told me to practice the caterpillar and that the secret to a stable aysha was in a nice high caterpillar. So one night I was just practicing caterpillar and thought "ooh I could let go with my legs right now" and I did, and balanced it. There are other tips, like the magic finger (make sure the index finger of the bottom hand is pointing down the pole), but I found the caterpillar one was the one that clicked everything into place for me.

    Here’s the vid of my very first aysha (ignore the fact I kick the lightshade on the way down hehe)

  • pole-twista

    February 26, 2009 at 9:46 pm

    wow great job! I was impressed especially with the dismount I wouldnt even attempt to come down like that til I was real comfortable see I keep hearing that to the key is to really catipilar your hips up I just feel so scared that I cant seem to just let go (sounds like love ) this is the move I want to get the most so am going to keep practicing the catipilar ( i find it easiest to do from shoulder mt. ) thanks so much for posting the video to it gave me a little extra confidence about the move am jumping on pole tommorow night (hopefully will be in chat for awhile first) so will see if i feel secure enough to try to release my death grip with inner thighs

  • LittleMissLola

    February 26, 2009 at 10:04 pm

    Well I was backward and learnt to cartwheel mount before I could aysha (the gymnastics background helped out on that though), so I was quite comfortable kicking down, coming back onto the pole seemed a bit alien to me.

    Just want to double check, how secure does your elbow grip feel? Are you just leaning against it or have you got it right into the crook of your elbow before bending it. Try and aim your elbow slightly upwards when it’s straight then bend it and pull down on it slightly to lock it – it’s a little easier to see on this vid

  • pole-twista

    February 26, 2009 at 10:39 pm

    again thank you so much i find little tips like that very helpful i am actually just learning to use elbow grip (have been able to catipilar for awhile, but just learned reverse climb using elbow grip ) i feel fairly secure with grip but am going to try pointing elbow up like you said to see if that feels more secure (just felt like using these poor guys that always get ignored )

  • SaschaPoles

    February 27, 2009 at 2:50 am

    lola you’re so cute at the end of that first vid, i was so happy for you seein how excited you were!

  • LittleMissLola

    February 27, 2009 at 4:05 pm

    lola you’re so cute at the end of that first vid, i was so happy for you seein how excited you were!

    Aww, thanks. I personally think my first cartwheel mount was a better vid, I make high pitched noises

  • branquinha

    February 27, 2009 at 10:54 pm

    For me the secret of the aysha was also a high caterpillar – as I said earlier and you see well on the LittleMissLola’s videos, when she goes high on a caterpillar her hips get on the same level as her knees and they get in a stable position away from the pole. The version I mentioned – the one glued to the pole also helped me to believe my arms were going to hold me, I guess. (I don’t have easy videos, but if I find something I’ll let you know)

    I just remembered I’ve seen people learning the knee hold with a chair – they would hold on the chair before they let go of their hands – it did not work for me – it was the side climb that made me feel confident to do it.

    The cartwheel is the one I am struggling for – I think I am afraid of it because my legs go up, but my shoulders don’t go as down as they should… one would think knowing that would be enough to get it rightm but I haven’t managed as yet… I am also afraid of the split grip straight edge, would LOVE to do it!

    best wishes to all!

  • azriel

    February 28, 2009 at 11:23 am

    i was wondering, when doing aysha, do most of you use your dominant hand as the top or bottom arm? i feel like i need 2 dominant arms to do it!

  • LittleMissLola

    February 28, 2009 at 11:40 am

    I personally use my dominant hand on the bottom, but I do know people who use their non-dominant hand on the bottom. I’d suggest playing with it and working out what feels right for you

  • branquinha

    February 28, 2009 at 7:47 pm

    I use my dominant hand above. I guess this is one of those moves in which people often have to experiment with their grip and the position of the hands.

  • azriel

    March 3, 2009 at 12:44 am

    thanks lola & branquinha.. i finally got it today! i did it both ways, but felt more secure with my dominant arm on top i think.

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